
Yeah if you look at the linked article, he specializes in AI. I'm also not sure why neither article is stating what class this was. How insensitive this is really depends on the class he was teaching. Was it a 400 or even higher class where everyone is used to this and knows what he means? Or is it a 100 level where

Yeah I was thinking more an algorithm/model where you can input the data later. I'm used to science based models which is why I took it that way. I'm a total beginner with c++ (as in helplessly scrambling to improve somebody else's code in visual studio with no idea how to do it and so learning it for the first time,

Yeah you couldn't do this in C++ without creating some of your own data. It's more of a model he wants from what I can understand. Not that I'm an amazing programmer or mathematician, but that's what it sounds like to me.

Yes it really reminds me of the decision making literature I deal with for my work, particularly Bayesian learning. It's very weird if you don't get it, but makes plenty of sense if you do understand it. It's not exact like typical mathematical models either, because so many variables are unknown. So much has to be

While it could've been done with a bit more warning and sensitivity to students possibly being victims in their own lives, I don't really see this as a bad thing. Having done some programming, I get what he's trying to do. The question is worded so weird because he's trying to guide you into creating a logical

I swear, there are so many insane people in the Phoenix suburbs. I don't know if it's actually statistically worse there. But I feel like I was always hearing about batshit crazy stuff like this when I lived there. Plenty of things that never made national news. Between Arizona, Texas, and Florida, maybe extensive

Totally agree. Growing up in the spotlight would be hard enough. I couldn't imagine doing it with less than supportive parents. I'm wondering if there are any examples of kids that made it out relatively unscathed and stayed in the industry that had less than ideal parenting situations? McCauley Culkin seemed to at

I mean "know what they're doing" as in making calculated choices that benefit them rather than are chaotic and self-destructive while still maintaining a crazy image that makes them money. I don't think Beiber or Lohan or any other stars constantly in the tabloids are making decisions that they really are taking

I don't think anyone but the one person's soul or whatever is actually there. It's each person's version of hell. Everyone else is just an illusion from what I understood.

I was really hoping he was going to bring Zoe back.

So glad this season is over. It was entertaining, and I kept up with all of them. But when my tradition for watching AHS season 3 is "hey let's wind down, drink some wine, and watch the most recent episode cause it should be funny", it's lost what made AHS my favorite show in the first place. Season 1 was hands down

That at least makes fun of the stupidity of that comment. I personally don't get offended by rape jokes IF they are making fun of the perpetrators or rape culture. But this drink is more about making fun of victims. To me it's who you put the brunt of the joke on. Never ok with victims. Can be ok to me when the brunt

And this just confirms my suspicions that Miley knows exactly what she's doing with her image. I've always thought her craziness was a carefully constructed act that she knew exactly how far she could take for publicity without letting it send her down a child celebrity spiral. Especially in the last few years. She

Yeah I was curious too. I imagine it's so hilariously inaccurate that it'd never work. Although I know nothing about PUA stuff either. So yeah, totally agree it's disgusting, but also am curious what he thinks is so groundbreaking and effective.

I think your case is one where there's an exception to every rule. While snooping is almost never ok, in your situation there was enough abuse that it made sense. I know with my ex I did many things that I never would think were ok in a healthy relationship, but I had to do them to survive. So while I am very for

Our university cancelled morning classes today. I was happy of course, but I certainly wouldn't be upset if they hadn't! I don't particularly want to go, but more cause I get to get out of a class. It's just nice to have some extra time, I certainly wouldn't complain if they didn't give us this! I could certainly get

This is so horrible. I honestly don't agree she necessarily has antisocial personality disorder. Psychopathy is actually not a diagnosis; it's a loosely used term that is not well defined and tends to refer to the personality disorder whenever someone does something shocking without actually understanding any of the

I'm not attracted to hunting despite its popularity where I live. I like fishing and outdoors things, but I'm just not sure I could kill a deer. But as long as it's being done responsibly, hunting actually is much more sustainable and humane than the meat farms we have. I eat meat, but I do have a serious problem with

It sounds like they may not have explained all her options to her. I won't address the sexual assault, because it seems unclear who knew what and it seems irresponsible of me to speculate until more is known. But if she was having mental health issues they should have told her she could take a medical withdrawal so

I'm an ASU alumni. And am not surprised at all. I never even got involved in student life as I didn't live on campus, but the stupidity I would see in the span of a walk across campus was astounding. Just overhearing conversations of privileged idiots was enough to make me want to bang my head against a wall. And when