
I personally think we need to have some rules about what candidates can publicly endorse. I really think candidates should not be able to bring up personal religious beliefs in any official/public function, whether that be when running or once elected and arguing for laws. What point is there of saying we have

I get really frustrated by this. But more so at the officials who make it so difficult to get medication I need to function in the name of a war on drugs. And the doctors who are totally uninformed about what adult ADHD looks like. Honestly, if someone wants to take Adderall or Ritalin to lose weight or study, I don't

Seriously. I was misdiagnosed with bipolar when I really had ADHD. Does that mean bipolar doesn't exist? Of course not. I feel so much for anyone truly suffering from it. I just didn't have it and being misdiagnosed made my life a living hell. So those comments are the stupidest logic I've ever heard. I really hate

So this. I take Ritalin at age 24. Diagnosed at 22. I went through hell as a young adult being misdiagnosed as bipolar because doctors knew nothing about ADHD in girls apparently. All the meds for bipolar made me far worse and nearly destroyed my life, which I've learned is actually fairly common with ADHD. And in

Haha yeah it's more the issue that I'm gay on top of that I've seen the kind of downhill disasters that can happen with relationships in the same department. So it'd have to be someone I really trusted to be sane if I were to date in my program.

That was true. It's kinda sad when you get numb to hearing about genocide because they essentially made a celebrity of a psychopath. I don't know why they couldn't have focused on the victims and people that fought to stop it more. But at least some other ones did exist! Now it's like "let's put on pawn stars for 8

Oh yeah I totally agree. I'm not saying every vegan or activist is like that, just that I see it a lot. It's just frustrating.

I know online dating isn't for everyone, but there are valid reasons to do it that don't involve being too lazy to go out and do things. Being gay is one reason. It's a bit risky to hit on people when you're gay, despite that it's ok for the opposite sex to hit on you. And there's just statistically less gay people

Totally agree. I hate reality tv under almost any circumstance. Remember when the history channel had, you know, history?! When we didn't have to watch some person's mundane drama to get ten minutes of actual history? Yeah I miss that lol

This makes me so angry, both for the animals and how our society allows this type of thing in such hypocritical ways. Animal rights people are often obsessed with things like this, yet threaten people like me for doing animal research in completely legal ways with the most humane and respectful method possible. For

I actually get very confused by this with online dating. People apparently use online dating for just finding friends too. So when someone says do you want to hang out, it could mean just hang out, but then again why are we on a dating site then? And at least to me, going on dates/going out with someone does not mean

Science aside, as I imagine this is being misrepresented by the media and actually has some legitimacy as far as correlation goes, but why would this be bad anyway? I always was taught growing up that being gay was bad because it was a "choice" and a "sin". If it's due to environmental factors that affected my

Why can't there just be time limit laws for this? That way no one takes things into their own hands like this and you don't have judging what's long enough. Or you could have approved memorials that are permanent. I personally don't think a simple cross is distracting, and it won't deteriorate, and if a particular

My ex was like this. I never understood how someone could be so stupid in not realizing how much they were hurting themselves! If you're going to put that much effort into lying, shouldn't it be done in such a way as to not go so overboard that people know?! It was like this person was addicted to lying about things

I had no idea homosexuality was that taboo in Russia. I knew there was a big deal about it being illegal (although I admittedly didn't read about it in detail), but I had no idea it was equated with pedophilia. That's horrifying on so many levels. I always wanted to visit Russia but that's enough to make me scared to,

I'd say start with season 1. While very flawed, the characters have far more good qualities. Season 2 is ok for that at least for some of the characters as well. But season 3 just seems to be "let's make everyone horrible yet damaged and so therefore sympathetic". Zoe is maybe one of the exceptions, but she's not even

I really miss this show being scary. I still watch it, because it's fun to watch. And it's pretty funny. But the camp is just taking away from what I loved about AHS. Season 1 was amazing. Besides being genuinely scary, it provided so many psychological studies and social commentaries by mixing supernatural horror