
Simon Van Kempen was more sad and desperate to a point where he became deeply uncomfortable to watch. Their desperate social climbing was always ridiculously awkward.

I do too. He seems like a genuine guy, which is Especially notable considering he’s a plastic surgeon in SoCal. I love him on Botched. He manages to be compassionate, professional and yet really funny

True - he never seemed much worse that a workaholic or just clueless at times, but his wife would so totally overreact over the slightest things. I thought he was actually kind of funny and sweet and had a sense of humor about himself. (as opposed to The Creator of Musical Masterpieces David Foster who had a hell of

Donn has got to be super laid back and go with the flow. Vicky is so ridiculously controlling. I cringed for her kids.

I like Terry more than Heather tbh

Everybody liked Donn on the RHOC. I mean everybody except Vicki that is.

Worked out great for Paul Nassif and Terry Dubrow.

I roll my eyes anytime I see/hear an ad talking to me like I’m some manly doofus that wants to use soap but still wants to smell “manly”. That shit doesn’t work on me and I feel sorry for the idiots that eat it up.

Like all the ad campaigns that seek to capitalize on showing “real women” and the like, I think men will find that corporations trying to push against patriarchal pressures, while they may scratch the surface of some personal forms of oppression, won’t enact any meaningful structural change. Dove wants women to love not see the Rasmussen poll?

nope nope nope at wilmer who slept with multiple teens while in his late 20s/30s (mandy moore and lindsay lohan besides demi) you dont get to be a predator and be woke!

“Them bitches love me ‘cause I’m fuckin’ with their best friends
Not a lesbian but she a freak though
This ain’t for one night I’m shinin’ all weak hoe”

That doesn’t excuse death threats or even moral outrage.

As in the passion of Christ, we all have to spill our blood for humanity to know the Father. The cow’s sacrifice was been ordained, ours we must choose.

“it’s ultimately none of anyone elses’s goddamn business since they’re not selling their meat”

There’s a lot to unpack in this story. While I can kinda, sorta see how the client base can be.....unsettled by the Englehart’s decision, it’s ultimately none of anyone elses’s goddamn business since they’re not selling their meat. Even if you disagree with their decision on a moral/ethical/whatever basis....Death

I mean, when I was vegan the only thing I craved was human flesh. I think that is just a thing.

Vegans are against murder. Unless it’s the murder of humans that are killing animals for food.

A blog called My Vegan Journal was very unhappy: “After being vegetarian for over 40 years, they’ve now decided to kill the animals on their farm, package them up, and eat their bits and pieces.”