
This just proves those anti-gay marriage people right. They said people would soon marry their pets and the environment, and we all laughed at them and their stupidity. Between this and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine it makes you wonder what other stuff the GOP has been right about

Only a fox news loving bigot would think a human can’t marry a bacterium or a butterfly

Ihope this happens to Bernie once his own obsessive male fans realize he won’t give them what they think they “deserve"

Getting drugs? Acceptance into college? Bein seen as a legitimate rapper? Besides that nothing

And Bill still used a cigar despite his long fingers

Tupac was accused of rape too, do you hate him

All the stars! Also it seems like it will be the only depiction of Pete beyond high school. Like the last time he was in high school in the comics was 50 years ago, come on marvel I want a 30 year old spiderman

It was before tabloids and studios still could force things way easier back then hell they convinced people that Elton John and liberachi were straight.

Rachel bloom used to comment here, outside of that probably not

You meann non-jews, right?

Why don’t we ban dogs in this country again? Not looking for smarmy sarcastic douchebag answers either. If you honestly love dogs, please tell me why we should keep those vile creatures in the streets. How anyone can be anti-gun but be perfectly fine with dog maulings always surprises me

So pregnant women can drink to their hearts content but if they dare want a large soda they have to leave the city. Is NYC slowly going back to the 1960s?

Female velociraptors though

Come on you already know the answer, Facebook hates black people

Surprised that she didn’t talk about this in the article, seems like he is getting a free pass from

Is a movie where black people are all rappers any better though?

She’s a Jew don’t be antisemitic

If Beharie was unhappy, well, that’s a good reason to leave

Have you checked the census? 7/8th of the US was white. You might as well be complaining about no one focusing on white nba players today

Don’t be racist