
Oh look, you were able to say something that wasn’t racist. Mostly.

I hope they have a prenup. My spousal support payments to the Moon nearly bankrupted me after the divorce.

This is far enough away from actual oppressed sexual minorities that we can point at them and laugh, right?

And the reason to make a relatively lengthy post about this is what exactly?

How dare she support the candidate of her choice? I’m not seeing the reason for criticizing her here...

The real question is, is she gonna be a Sarandon-type and perhaps tell kids not to vote in the general, or to vote for Trump, because it will bring the “revolution” (lol sure) faster than if Hillary is president? Because if yes, fuck her. If she’s just in it for the ride until Hillary wins the nomination, fine.

She’s going to be a forgotten actress in a few years. She’ll be on 2019's Dancing with the Stars and everyone will kind of remember that she was in some Hunger Games knock off or something. She won’t win. Years later she’ll be in Lifetime and Hallmark movies. Her name will be used in the commercials to lend them some

DM Trump: “You enter the yuge room. Roll for save.”

I think it’s fair to criticize Kelly (and lots of other journalists) for treating Trump with kid gloves. He’s an idiot with dangerous, constantly shifting policies, and he should be called to account for them. It’s not fair to tell her how she has to react to the way Donald Trump has treated her.

I don’t get the appeal of letting strangers stay in your home. You know that they are snooping through everything.


Yeah. We funded the death squads that murdered a bunch back in South America during the 80's, actually.

At least she’s a hypothetical racist bitch! I think the stated concern was actually making a defenseless little old lady rent out rooms in her house to men when she’d prefer to rent to women, but since it exempts from all FHA requirements race, religion, &c. are all fair game.

I just want to cry this is so fucked up. We have this gift of a completely awful Trump candidate and the Democrats are throwing the country under the bus for the sake of the Clinton’s pride. <head/desk>

If I dig deep into the recesses of my Property Law memories, I recall that racial discrimination in housing is actually allowed when you’re renting in your own house or anything smaller than a 4-plex (if the owner also lives there). This was the Murphy exception? Any landlord-tenant lawyers want to correct me on this?

Oy, learn to triangulate better! Everything bad Bill did was just Bill; everything good Bill did was the Clintons.

We get what we deserve. Holy fucking GOD, did we kill nuns in a previous life?

Those are three people with really, really thick skin.

in which we receive a master class on how to change the subject from both campaigns