I can’t get over the fact that they hired models to wear the clothes. WTF?! “We’ve got access to the most athletic and beautiful human bodies on the planet. Let’s hire some outside talent with really hollow cheeks.”
My dad is friends with a head coach of a Brazilian National Team.
Add in the bicycle track that fell into the ocean and killed 2 people, and Rousseff is giving Putin a run for the “piss on your leg and tell you it’s raining” money by pretending anything about this Olympics is going to work. I honestly think we might see athletes die from swimming in that sewage water.
I’m still continually impressed that the Rio Olympics are a thing that is still happening. Despite the complete and utter unpreparedness of Rio which includes not just a lack of facilties but a failure to clean up polluted areas the atheletes will be forced to compete in. Added to the high crime rates of Rio and the…
You know, you might have had a point up til you started talking about how great Canada’s unis looked...those look like hipster douche trash sportcoats, not “we mean business suits”.
He changed his attitude on slavery later in life and became a passionate abolitionist though.
The moves all seem like attempts to progress without completely breaking the school’s traditions.
Maybe one day society will mature to the point where we can look at the positive and the negative of individuals without having to throw out the entirety of a person’s legacy for one failure on their record. People are flawed. There are no heros. If you dig deep enough into ANYONE, you can find grounds to reject them.
I realize that Ben Franklin is very much appreciated in our society. But to be upset about naming a building after him just because hurr durr dead white man isn’t good enough for me. Serious reasons and a viable alternative please.
His pro column is still vastly larger than his con.
So is the solution to erase dead white men from history?
....students are upset that one of those names is Benjamin Franklin.
I think her statement was actually saying that she’s against the draft in general for both genders because willing people make better soldiers. She voted for the bill because she thinks that if there is a draft, everyone should be involved, but on a larger level thinks the legislature should be eliminating the draft…
That seemed more like an argument against having a draft at all than against having women included.
This, of all things, strikes me as not being a horrible outcome. At least his taxes will go to benefit (well, some portion of them, hopefully) the area where he grew up and spent his entire adult life and was by most estimates a very involved community member.
I think its so self centered to put shit like this on Twitter. If you know him just give him a call or something, don't post your self serving bullshit for everyone to see.