
Yeah 9 times out of 10 the use of “female” is a red flag. It is like the person knows their opinion is not good so they try to grab a “scientific term” to make it sound legit.

Typically when I am pitched by a female

When you have to download the game even with a disc it sure can be taken away from you. As is the case with Jedi Survivor the whole game isn’t really on the disc, it just allows you to access the full download.  The powers that be can still turn that off at some future date.

When a single upper-level executive from nearly every studio gets paid more per year than the total cost of what the WGA is asking for to better support all of its thousands of wildly underpaid writers (yes, seriously), the people who are literally the foundation of everything these studios produce, and the WGA’s

I would really highly recommend taking a look at the negotiation documents.

That’s not too far off, sadly.

Technically, that is the case. Corporate in general have become more anti-worker/creative labor since the pandemic’s peak. The rise of AI and their rush to utilize it is of no surprise. I mean, Hollywood always devalued their writers, but they wanted to up the ante and just replace them altogether just to save a dime.

Unfortunately there’s a lot of people, probably on this very site, who will proudly claim that they don’t play games for the story.

Which is wild when you consider that it’s a studio known for story-rich RPGs.

It’s even harder in games too since good writing requires keeping the player engaged and not interrupting gameplay. Bioware is - er, was full of passionate writers and artists and the disdain toward creative labor as a whole is absolutely sickening.

Unfortunately, few gamers recognize good writing in games, and without

It’s already hard when you’re in control of everything, but try it when you have to be constrained by the decisions of several other departments who everyone have decided take priority over you (which can make some sense to an extent as it’s harder for them to switch gear than it is for the writer but it has to have

Anyone who says writing is easy has probably never tried to write a well thought out, cohesive story that doesn’t have terrible dialogue and rely on cliches.

I played a lot of Barotrauma and Raft this year without having as much of an issue with ocean fear stuff but I suspect a lot of that is Raft being chill and Barotrauma being janky fun with friends.

As a rule I usually hate oxygen meters. I don’t think it’s a fear thing (though games love to make underwater stuff super

Please note this post is an adaptation of this much cleaner tweet:

Probably too little, too late to make this game an interesting single-player experience with depth and story, like the Guardians of the Galaxy game. To take all of the looter-shooter elements out of the game would probably ruin the whole thing (even moreso).

Pretty lousy security for only $5000

mOrE gUnS, tHaT’s ThE aNsWeR!!

You fucking clown.

What bothers me is the number of steps involved in the new fatalities. You do something that would clearly kill someone, and then you do more stuff to the corpse, just because.

And just watch them try to weasel out of actually paying that $5000 if someone is finally caught for the thefts.

Let’s be real, Gamestop, with the way they treat their employees, is the real criminal. I mean the thieves are criminals too, they just haven’t damaged nearly as many lives.