
My favorite qoute about being “woke” came from Howard Stern of all people, and I’ll all for it:

Buncha whiny crybabies who cannot reconcile someone not looking like them in a videogame to save their lives. We had white, male protagonists in videogames almost exclusively up until recently, and NOW they have a problem with it? Theirs is a minority, but a loud one that knows how to trigger the most backlash with

To be fair, we’re talking about a company formed from the mergers of...

I’m not sure I agree or disagree strongly with your claim about the sequels outside of the fact that FF14's expansions may be an potent exception to it.

If the smash success of Elden Ring doesn’t mean they farm Blooodborne for every drop they can get - Sony is insane.

Disclaimer: Sony could be insane.

I’m still baffled by Sony’s handling of Bloodborne. They own the IP and the source code and assets. All they need to do is hire a few programmers and a UX designer work on remasters for PS5 and PC. It could be finished in a matter of months.

The wishlist for Bloodborne is a release on steam and 60 fps support for console and PC. Anything more than that would be icing on the cake. This also would line up with Playstation’s current motiviations of getting their games on pc.....but we’ll see I guess.

Basically, people are mad about exclusives if they aren’t on the specific plastic box that they’ve dedicated their lives to.

The Nomad came out 29 years ago.

My favorite boss battle from that game. Some of the choices were pretty hilarious.

Reminds me of the “Dungeon Dilemma” boss game from the original WarioWare, where you have to play a mini-RPG by picking the correct words from a list (but obviously, you know, a whole game).

One aspect of piracy that’s less discussed is the files typically have less DRM and platform restrictions. You’re less likely to be locked to a specific console or player which removes one of the primary concerns with digital about losing access based on the whims of the studios. I think it’s one of the reasons

Torrenting can't be stealing if paying for it isn't owning.

They really should be taken to court for this. Licenses expiring is a common thing in digital distribution. The solution is to pull the licensed content from the store, not user libraries. That’s been the standard practice for games, I don’t see why it should be any different for movies or TV shows.

Destiny 2 should never have killed its old material. The introduction to the game through the beginning of the red war was spot on, one of the best, if not THE best moment in the game altogether to this day. The combination of the music, the gameplay, the visuals - it was true art.
Sadly, art doesn’t count at Bungie.

“Incessant social justice seekers” isn’t how I remember it.

The entire format of the game is baffling to me. “Let’s allow the internet to choose how the story goes” is never a good idea. I have no idea how it was even made without someone warning them about what would happen.

We get this... When all we really wanted was PT/Silent Hills

I mean is this at all surprising given its history of being one of the MOST exploitative and abusive companies for game devs to work at, putting profits well above making good games, making targeted attacks against those employees who attempt to prioirtize making good games, and having a wide variety of beloved

Konami has lost the juice, they aren’t good at doing things anymore.

Even after moving away from actively developing their own games, they are still unable to manage the brands they own without disappointing everyone.