
Sunk cost fallacy.  If they go back to the drawing board this VP is getting fired.  

Well yeah. It’s the problem with every corporation that’s run by a cult of personality. In this case, Suckerberg has weighed in with the holy gospel of Meta that the Metaverse is gonna be the next big thing. In reality, there are likely many, many competent managers at Facebook that have instantly understood that the

That’s... not an unusual mentality for executives. A lot of people have corporate brain disease and say the most baffling things and think it’s completely normal.

I’ve had several flashbacks recently to Gizmodo over a decade ago around when the iPad was announced where one blogger in particular (Jesus Diaz) thought we’d be using tablets for everything, work included, in a handful of years. Some people (executives and so-called “journalists” included) don’t really have any

The whole thing seems like a refusal to acknowledge the fundamental problem. Doesn’t sound like senior leadership wants to go back to the drawing board. They’re not game devs though, they don’t know anything about what they’re doing.

It’s also kind of funny that the idea behind hte message is not

our product is so dogshit, we won’t even use our own product, so we need to make it better.

It fundamentally can’t be fixed because the idea itself doesn’t work.

“Why is that?” he continues. “Why don’t we love the product we’ve built so much that we use it all the time?”

I will say straight out that the Oculus Quest 2 is a really neat piece of hardware and a fun device to play games on.

This project was doomed to fail because Hollywood has spent decades making virtual reality look really, really cool. In reality, the technology is still lame as hell. It’s like seeing the movie Hackers and then trying to do any sort of digital espionage in real life. 

Oh god yeah.

The epitome of "Am I so out of touch? No. No, it's the children who are wrong." 

I know it’s beating a dead horse, but I have to tenderize that carcass just a little more.

I’m extremely mid-level leadership at my company and have zero management training (basically just stumbled up the ladder through good old basic competence), and even I know the correct response to “even the devs hate our product” is “let’s use this as an opportunity to improve the product” and not “the product is

This is so very, very deliciously funny. I mean, in a way it does suck for the people who are being directed to work on this thing. But for management and above, who are quite literally the ones doing the writing on the wall but apparently dead-set against reading it themselves - well, from back here, well enough away

So it’s shitty Fall Guys with a hub world? Lol.

They confirmed one was coming and supposed to be available for sale by the holiday sale season.

That’s a fantastic quote.

Deplatforming works

I feel nothing but sympathy for the rank and file, but this was the correct move. Honestly a little surprised Riot actually acted in this manner instead of hoping it’d blow over.