
One circumstance, compared to everything else he has ever done. He’s not Peter Molyneux or David Cage.

I just read the comments on Siliconera, and literally every single one of them are dead-set against Psychonauts 2.

I guess they never actually even touched the first game... Or perhaps it wasn’t weaboo enough for them.

I enjoyed what I played of the game, that fucking meat circus though. Fuck.

I was one of those guys that hated that FF 11 and 14 had become mmos.

They get replaced by Don Cheadle.

When do people like you recognize that not liking superhero movies is a sign of just having different tastes in entertainment as people do and not a badge of sophistication that gives you greater insight into the wicked capitalist machine?

I’m waiting for the inevitable-as-death-itself Steam Controller hat item.

Well, yeah, that’s the entire Gamergate platform in a nutshell.

Only game I bothered to comment on in the voting forums. Miss is all the time

Let's try and get more people to vote for it and E4

yeah no you’re incorrect.

There sure is a vogue for dystopian bible westerns. Pretty Deadly and East of West both deliver a similar mixture of allegory and low fantasy, where the gritty frontier is less about the ravages of progress than it is about exhaustion and regression. On the surface, this one is more Conan than cowboy, but then the

Oh yeah, he’s a big Wolvie fan, and it definitely comes out in his writing. heh

Yep, and it's why I love the guy. He wrote one of my favorite series, Wolverine:Weapon X. If you haven't read it, read it. It is fantastic.

As someone that owns a copy of Rez for Dreamcast, Xbox 360, and a sealed mint PS2 copy, go fuck yourself

It’s weird, because the Bible is really a great source for some truly epic and bloody stories that would be right at home on the bookshelf alongside stuff like 300 and Preacher. I mean, you’ve got incest, sacrifice, wars, giants, and god damned dragons. The key is (and Aaron seems to have nailed it here), don’t hold

I hate bible stuff, but I love Jason Aaron. This sounds pretty cool. And it seems to be less holy and more sacrilegious like Preacher, so I think I'll like it. But I have enough on my plate, so I'll wait for the trade.

Go away!