Rusty Starship

Oh I let him go all right.

These look like Nutritional Facts and I don’t look at those.

“Daddy the pedal got stuck! We should sue!”

I drive through a small town on my way to work. The speed limit is 40 through the town and 55 immediately outside of it. One of the houses has a sign out front painted on an old barn door reading, “you ain’t no race driver and this ain’t no racetrack slow the hell down”

Kids, would you like to help Captain CJ save the citizens of Junkyard City from the evil Patriot and his insidious minion The Compass? Ask your parents permission to join the Trail Rated Teens! Simply send a S.A.S.E to...

In the parallel universe where both happened simultaneously, a Jeep-based hero has a Jeep-based villain to fight.

Do I want? Neighgative!

I thought Mustangs already came with human hair on the grille and headlights?


Reasonable & Prudent

Montana was the last state to have something similar. Ahh the good ol’ days...

I’m not an arborist, but I believe those are Washintonia Robustas. A quick google search says the root ball is only 1-2 feet in diameter. Palms tend to not have the long root system but rather a compact ball. Combine the leverage of the car hitting the tree down low, while most of it’s mass is up high, and it pretty

this was your superhero origin story and you missed it. you should have gotten beat up, steeled your resolve and built a crime fighting suit out of salvaged jeep parts, gotten justice on the bad guy, and gone on to make things better for all citizens of the junkyard. now you’re just the unnamed guy being slowly driven


I’m in the Pacific Northwest and am legitimately curious about the root system on a palm tree. Hit a hardwood up here and you will have a very bad day.

Do salty tears fall up in Australia?

gtaV NPCs are at it again.

I do not appreciate your bigoted Anti-Antipodean headlines. Oceanophobia has no place on MY internet.

You can definitely see some interesting things with a dashcam.