Rusty Starship

Ain’t no glory in my line of work. Just misery.

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Tracy would vote crack pipe simply because it runs.

RIP David Tracy

Well at least it looks pretty...

Sergio Marchionne - HEY ANYONE WANNA MERGE?

I really like the integrated step niches on the little pick-up.

He’s in my local Subaru group :)

(after i pour some out for the homies)

“Your 35oz of what? Oh. I’m an idiot.”

I totally agree with this. I find that when I drive my GFs car (an automatic), putting the pedal down will give you maximum speedage (technical term) because it downshifts and gives you all the power it can, whereas in any of my manual cars, I need to make a conscious decision to downshift from 6th (or whatever) to

Fake news! I’ve been getting speeding tickets in manual-transmission cars for years now. YEARS.

Patrick George just shut you down, have a seat, son.

One sentence later: “It’s more pure in purpose than the hot hatches and more pragmatic than the convertibles, though it is small.” Which is true. At the end of the day, this is RWD and those are not.

Or this?

Especially purple DB5 shooting brakes:

It may be a conspiracy theory, but I read some years ago that the ad agency did them on spec; Ford said of course we can’t use those, wink, nudge; the agency “leaked” them; there was uproar from usual suspects, Ford denied having commissioned them, news sites spread them for free because of the to-do, and Ford reaped

Sort of, yeah! Except you don’t have to wash off tornado or worry about the tornado on your clothing giving you radiation sickness.

Dunno about Luke, but you KNOW Han did.