Rusty Starship

Depends in part on where you live. When we moved from Atlanta to Richmond, VA, I commented to a couple of friends that I’d never seen so many Subarus before. They looked at one another, then at me, and one said, “Are you kidding? There are hardly ANY Subarus here!” Both had recently moved to Richmond from Colorado.

Definitely depends on where you live. What you see in Houston is different than what you would see in Portland or LA. 

Some day you’ll pay...your deducible.

He lived.

IIRC, these were extremely rare in most places. I had a competing 1995 VW Golf that I loved, which was 115hp and might have mustered 35mpg on the highway, 25 in town. At the time, Civics were everywhere but I almost never saw a hatchback at all — so rare were hatches on American roads, more than once my peers did a


Toyota probably could have paid you $500 for the idea and you’d smile ear to ear.

They probably paid the ad agency millions.

* widebooty

Need more wide body

You sir need to make your own advertising firm asap.

Don Draper would be proud.

This is an awesome idea for a commercial, is there a petition we can sign for Toyota to license this?

Now playing

It’s like they forgot they did this with the Celica back in the day...

Guys, I found Don Draper.

It’s like that add with Ken Block using his Fiesta to do everything.

SOLD! Ship it!

Somebody give this guy a job!

Someone hire this man!

Pictured: An elderly couple telling their adopted son that no he may not take his jacket off in the middle of Sunday service.
