Rusty Starship

Step 1: Make hot butter ass car.

Coupes have 4 doors, pigs fly and Donald Trump is running for president under a major party nomination. I don’t know what’s real anymore.

We are all the Dodge Neon carving a mountain road. Sure, we might briefly fool ourselves into believing we’re a fast Corvette, a rugged Wrangler, or a composed 5-series; but each of us is really a round-eyed, bulbous lump of aluminum being hurtled down the mountain road of space and time by a joyless inline-4 and a

Was just there Tuesday, can confirm yellow cab still there, same with bus and van, though the van is on huge arctic truck tires not Trax

True Jalop; goes to Yellowstone, photographs cars.

20% down in 100 years... so in another 400 years the Dyson Sphere could be complete, assuming they don’t run out of resources. I hope alien project managers are better than our own.

Uh-oh. Someone’s charging up.

Now playing

ADMIT IT! You’re hearing the speeder bike sound effect in your head!

It’s Friday. My girlfriend is out of town for the weekend. I have the place to myself, and I’m going to try and make this. I already have a bagel cookbook, so I can get the dough/boiling part down. I will let you all know how it turns out. If I never post again, well... someone else will need to pick up the Torch (no

Hi! Food scientist here. I can tell you this is a solid idea, but would be expensive to do. With some variation on the internal structure, it’d be much more machine-producible for mass production. My simple fix would be instead of having parallel pockets, have them layered the same way the dessert is. Start with a

No, that name ROCKS.

That name RULES.

There’s a new restaurant here in the Dallas area that does this essentially: Bread Zeppelin. They’re pretty awesome.

My guess is 4.


Of COURSE he was real... Oh wait, you weren’t supposed to know that... Well, the surgery and everything...

I think it's safe to say the Internet has been around long enough that a substantial portion of our readership clicked this, secretly thinking it JUST MIGHT be someone we know.

Did they ever find out if the girl was real? My money is on “No”.