Rusty Starship

Once we’re done bashing around Chris Evans for his presenting, I might add that his face kind of scares the shit out of me.

depends on how determined the hippie is to try and smoke it.

Saturn is tricky. Most the body panels are plastic, and most wholesale parts distributors don’t carry the parts.

OK, there are at least three of us in this thread with the right idea!

It’s why everyone else comes here.

Unfortunately, there’s a lot of idiots in here that don’t seem to understand that there’s a difference between what a random repair shop will charge you, and what it actually costs.

Maybe it’ll go, up in smoke?

Never lift.

Suspension repairs be damned, every Jalop’s inner six year old is collectively trying to convince us to take a drive to Minnesota right about now, lol.

I’m going to be a great 3rd owner of an ATS-V sedan.

My boss would like to have a word with you about my productivity this afternoon, Tom.

american cars at there best

Of course you'd ask that, you pothead.

If the body catches fire, you’ll be too high to care.

So if this thing goes Ferrari and combusts while he’s behind the wheel, does he get busted for DUI?

Really, the epoxy is doing the heavy lifting here. The hemp is too tired to even get off the couch.

Top Gear • (Top Geer)

Cool story.
