Rusty Starship

Blah blah blah, something blah blah drunk threesome.

10/10 would watch this threesome.

Here ya go. RVR Sports Gear. Basically what would happen if an Outlander Sport, a minivan, and an Evo had a drunk threesome together.

If the Outlander you’re driving were to catch fire, which would you reach for - marshmallows or hot dogs?

On a scale of Buick Encore to Jeep Compass, how much do I not want to pick the Outlander Sport at the rental counter?

What isn’t...chlamydia?

does it feel like sadness

I'll take a home equity loan out to by that boat for 30k. Where do I sign?

1) Buy a Jaguar XJS for $2,000.

Jalopnik is alive and well and doing amazing stories that I’m jealous of Patrick for putting together.

Good to hear. Idk what I would do at work if you all weren’t here. Actually work?! Crazy talk

Seriously, tell her to call me back.

Thank you for your continued existence, thank you for addressing this issue and I would thank you to tell Jason to stop calling my sister! Also that swim trunks are required in the pool area.

“And perhaps crowd control detail?”

So this is the UK’s latest anti riot equipment? Should prove to be very effective against large crowds.

If this enters duty i can imagine the calls going along the lines of this:

The 2016 Ford Mustang looks properly phosphorescent in British police livery. Reports say U.K. cops are evaluating the pony car for patrol duty this summer. And perhaps crowd control detail?

So we have a roadster with an Italian body and motor, Japanese chassis and construction, British sports car roots and inspiration, and sold under a brand who’s part of an American/European conglomerate.