Rusty Starship

So, you’re saying that this particular manhole, being in the middle of a straight where the aero is dispersing the air at full force, is one of the few on the track that would actually be affected? There’s no chance at all that a tire could nail one and move it around? Kind of makes sense.

I know. I love these trucks. Honestly, there are a lot of trucks I’d love to own from the 60's but these might be at the top of the list.

Man, if I already owned something like this:

I was going to say, that same sentence didn’t sit well with me. And then I realized that I DO want the new Bronco. And then I felt... A little like I played into their hand. But, if the Bronco is as good as we’re hoping it’s going to be, I won’t really care.

It turns out that Leclerc hit the same manhole cover, but only flicked it up on an angle. Apparently, that’s what caused the damage on the Williams.

Wow, that was so well written. Thank you for sharing some of your struggles... I’m glad driving gave you that time to reconnect with your mom. But, I feel like there’s so much that you probably cut out of this because I’m sure you wanted to keep it at a reasonable length.

You don’t think the Fusion Sport was awesome? I’d at least give it highly underrated.

I guess you should have added the /s tag lol.

OH, it was actually a real thing. And here, I thought you were just talking shit. As you do.

I would have gone with the Ford Little Midget Pony. But Pygmy works, too.

I mean, for the safety of yourself and any occupants you may have, I can see your point.

Rodents of unusual size? Yep. They exist.

This is amazing. Congratulations, David. Not only was this an incredible accomplishment, but your daunting trips to Moab prove time and time again that most people give up on cars far too quickly. A car is never really dead. The fate of a car lies in the willingness of its owner to do what has to be done to keep it on

Pretty sure there’s no such thing as this “Pot Hole” you speak of... Wait a second... I can’t feel the difference between me and the couch. Have I become the couch?

Even worse, that particular pothole was not in his network.

WAIT... Are you saying it’s finally our turn to blame an entire generation for poor business and economic decisions?

I see Rowdy’s gotten an upgrade. And you even lopped two doors off! Incredible!


Would have been nice to have that warning before I smashed by backup camera into the trailer hitch, but thanks, guys. That sticker on the inside of the tailgate was a real help.

It’s hard, because Mario’s pretty much GOAT status, and you have to believe that some of that natural talent (and knowledge passed down by Mario) would been more prevalent down his family line. You can tell Marco has the drive to win. He even appears to try and channel his inner Mario with that retro head sock he