Rusty Starship

It is, now! 

Because they’re happier.

Ik it’s not in New Mexico, but Laguna Seca would certainly fit the bill. Sand? Check. Wind? Idk, I’ve never been there lol

I think what we learned from this is F1 needs to throw sand all over the place at every race and install wind generators at every track. Don’t think that’s unreasonable at all.

The argument against DRS also feels like an extremely elitist position to take. Like, what do you want F1 to do? The fans complain that there’s no passing. So they introduce technology to make more passing. But that’s not good enough, because now it’s fake passing.

Tyler. Tyyyler. TYYYYLER. TYYYYYYYLLLEEEEERRRR. Get out and drive it just because you can.

The whole “alien whale mothership” thing is starting to make a lot more sense. The LDS’ll do that to ya.

Seriously, why don’t they do that. It would be really cool. Not like they’re ever going to try bringing the Thunderbird back in any other form again.

I see a happy-puppy version of a Porsche Macan, and he just stuck his head out the window. Certainly not a bad thing.

Don’t do that... We want to believe.

I agree with all your points, especially one in particular. Gasly. SERIOUSLY, WHAT THE HELL. Am I missing something? He and Verstappen have the same cars, correct? He’s getting beaten by Hulkenberg, Magnussen and Norris in the driver’s championship right now.

I’m been staunchly anti-(new)SUV for years, but this Bronco... It has me changing my tune. My plan was to buy a beater truck and keep my current daily for the next few years. But if Ford ends up doing the right thing with the Bronco, which it really looks like they are, I’d be willing to daily one of these and forget

You mean, the Ford FRIDGE???!!!

Agreed. And not just for the Prequel meme. Somebody should have called David Tracy.

Username checks out lol. He did the Good Dad Thing.

He literally just drove the car to the dealership, sold the car, and my mom picked him up. Just walked out of there with $5,000. Didn’t buy any other car. CarMax was going to hive him $4,000, and he decided that wasn’t good enough.

He actually jokes about doing this exact thing every time we drive past the dealership lol

Ha, it’s even a 2013 sedan. In Race Red. They’re currently trying to sell it for a little over $7,600, but it started above 8 grand.

My dad just sold a manual Ford Fiesta that he was allowing my sister to drive for years to a Ford dealer. They paid him $5,000 for it. He sold it to them in October. It’s still there, and it has dropped in price four times.

But the EU’s list of rules says “alcohol interlock installation facilitation,” not simply “alcohol interlock,” which would suggest that the legislation would just require an easy provision for the installation of such a device in a modern vehicle, as opposed to making everybody pass a breath test before driving