
I don't care that it was mentioned, because in a world full of V-6s we need a car with the courage to eschew the regular, the average, and bring new ways of locomotion back to vehicles. We nee a hero, a rotary hero. Also, this has been teased, rejected and fucked around with more than Duckie, so I feel sorry for it.

So after all of that, making any money means something.

Is the Eccentric Family as good as Tatami Galaxy?

Every time Jackson's LOTR comes up I just want to shout this down the internet tubes. LOTR was my favourite story from as far back as I can remember and Gimli has always been my character, and when I saw those first shots of the LOTR movies and saw the hordes of orcs etc. pouring over hills I got goose bumps, until

She is so koi.

I agree. I think the younger generation, i.e. me, do not get involved in things – like, anything. We're losing our volunteers, our amateur, regional sport to a large degree, I think, and getting involved in a traditional church is like the above things: you have to be a part of something and give up a certain amount

How the hell does the throttle work on this? If your carbs are off it'd be hell on tires, transmissions and everything else.

What's your favourite British roadster? And do you think, just maybe, the new, less-expensive McLaren, or any McLaren in the future really, would take on the guise of a kick ass British roadster?

Word chosen carefully, because Ferrari.

Technically my last sentence said we'll just call it the La, but what I meant was we'll just drop the first Ferrari off of it once the whole internet conflagration dies down,

People lost their shit over this, but it's no different then the Ferrari Enzo Ferrari. We figured that out and just dropped all the Ferraris off of it, which is the same thing we'll do here.

I first ended the sentence with 'and they fought.' So I'm, with you in trying to keep the shy and aggressive wigs away from each other.

It makes me happy to see such an over-thought opinion into the rules and laws of a world in a terrible movie.

The way I read it I assumed that by adding craftspeople back into the system they hope to add something, i.e. the creativity that robots can't reproduce. By taking humans out of the manufacturing process, except in the most mindless ways, perhaps we've lost something.

I love cartoons, because of the freedom they allow. With CGI it can seem like we have the same freedom with live action films, but I think animation still has a significant edge. Because we know the characters on the screen are just representatives of people Homer looks nothing like a person) we can stretch and move

The new season of Game of Thrones started last night, and, surprise, there's no cars. Not that I was expecting any, of course, because I know that a little bit of magic makes people (even fake ones) stupid, and incapable of building anything like a car. But if they could, what sort of car would the GoT world produce?

Does anyone else get a slight Art Deco vibe from this? The way the car slopes back from the high, blunt nose and the green house pushed towards the back make me think Art Deco.

The Equinox is a fine vehicle, even if it's out-styled and outclasses by nearly every car in its class. Would the fact that it's safer in a few categories guide you to buy it over, say, a better Mazda or Honda?

Death and taxes? Nah, just taxes

I like the cut of your jib.