
No. It’s just that I grew up snowmobiling, so every time I see snow and tracks I expect to hear the wail of two-strokes.

Seems wrong to hear that four-stroke sound while watching this.

Does this mean that the new Ford GT is a Canadian sports car? Hooray for Canada.

A Volkswagen Thing might be at the edges of the budget, but is quirky, fun, Eastern(ish) European and a great beach car. It has everything, plus is dead simple. Find something that says beach and fun better. You can’t.

Does JDM just not have any meaning anymore? I mean, if an Italian car is imported to Japan it’s not really domestic. And if a Japanese car is imported to the US, then, once again, it’s not part of the Japanese Domestic Market.

But why get a four-stroke when you too could be smelling the fumes from both oil and gas, and feeling that vicious kick when you hit your powerband. Two-stroke enduro with all the possibilities, for almost none of the money. How could you go wrong?

I was in high school, toting my drunk friend around in my Isuzu Impulse (suspension tuned by Lotus!). We take a turn onto a gravel road behind the hockey arena and my foot’s to the floor and my hand’s on the e-brake.

I don’t know about Sea Dooing (up here in the great white north where Bombardier is king [of Quebec] I here them almost always referred to as Sea Doos, but that’s almost entirely by people who also ride snowmobiles or Ski Doos), but if you aren’t steering with your body when you snowmobile, you’re not having enough

When did I get smashed back to the greys?

I don;t know about this whole not start thing. I had an 83 rx-7 that I drove through the winter in central B.C. and the thing never let me down that I can remember, other than the time I checked the oil and found it had magically risen due to a coolant transfusion. Or when the started went. Neither of which are any

No, no, no. You have to drive a rotary like you mean it. I mean, proper oil changes and often, but if you don’t let it scream from time to time you get carbon build up etc.

So basically, it’s following in the footsteps of Vancouver?

Nice to be up out of the way of animals though. You ever had a bear knock on your tent door? Believe me, it’s not a pleasant experience.

I’m with you on this. People keep on saying ‘it’s not lazy,’ like you think somehow you just throw the engine into the engine bay and call it done with an LS swap. It’s lots of work, that much is obvious, but it’s a hell of a lot easier than thinking through what you can do to the current engine. You look at the

I’d guess from that we’re getting a female stig. Wouldn’t that be an interesting twist.

If you’re a lover of truffles, shouldn’t you already have a truffle shaver thing? I mean, if you’re up there with the $300 for a box of things you can get better for cheaper elsewhere, and you love truffles...

Soon mine, with a 13b from an fc topped by a holey, will be on the road again. With new headers it’ll wale louder than a siren and spit flames like a dragon. And probably kill me with its sloppy steering box and penchant for snap oversteer. At least I'll go through the gates on fire backwards. What else could a guy

Eh. Some people, me included, love the mechanicalness of old cars, which we’re quickly losing to electronics. Not that that’s bad, but it’s not my cup of earl grey. So some will celebrate the old world and its smells, while others will enjoy the new world with its (lack of) smells. Honestly, there's enough people