
We also found that by seating customers close together months later they requested an additional place for a baby seat so we provided one.

I think you may have nailed it! The only discrepancy would be that side marker/reflector on the fender looks off. But maybe it varied by market or year? Other that that it looks dead on to me.

Better not let Jalopnik get a hold of this article. Because I’m not sure what that car is, but it’s definitely not a Gremlin. Rear side window is one of the defining traits of a Gremlin, and it looks nothing like that. That looks more like a Rabbit/GTI MkI to me, although I’m pretty sure it’s not that either. Anyone

I don’t think it was ever in dispute that force users could be powerful without being a Skywalker. Yoda, for example, is very powerful and obviously isn’t a skywalker. This notion that Star Wars up to this point was some elitist monarchy strikes me as quite the fallacy. However, the Skywalker family has been the focus

Just want to take this opportunity to remind Americans (and the rest of the world for that matter) that Tim Horton’s coffee is absolutely AWFUL. As are their donuts.

Oh, Debbie...hi.

import a toyota century overnight from japan. oppulent, and classy.

787B used this setup as well, though was a lot more analog:

It’s like this isn’t even a car site anymore.....pickup trucks and minivans? Best we could do here? Come on.....Let’s give him a jalopnik special - the volvo wagon! Only more like volvo SUV for dog purposes.

When I was a kid, I wanted a pocketknife with the newest locking blade. Oooohhhhhh it was boasted as the safest knife there is, self-locking oh how could I go wrong.

Classic with a central-Euro twist that’s going to potter around the beaches of Long Island on weekends?

“Christie, a cuck,”

blah. I hated the Rosario and Luke Cage Romance, they were perfect as friends, and she already had a fling with daredevil i mean come on!!


I took it seriously.

No thanks.

hey what about me?