
No, people should look into what car they buy and no just continue to buy Toyota's because for the five years they own them before flipping them they didn't break down. I want people to go into the car market looking for a good car, a car they want to have, not marching back to the same dealership every car without a

No, but if the lowest common denominator in cars moves up, then it should give a little encouragement to all other manufacturers. It may be a game of inches, but that sometimes what it has to be. If, when Mazda makes interesting cars they get a bump then they are encouraged to continue making interesting cars. It also

Because the more people move to boring cars that are made primarily to sit in traffic on the way to work, the more car manufacturers will lean that way, which means more cheap econo-boxes and fewer cheap, fun cars. Cars lovers are in the minority when buying cars so we hope that when a great car comes out people other

Brilliant. I shall use it wisely.

Why not just get an Intermeccanica and do dirty, dirty things to it?

How long before someone turns this into a nope nope nope gif? Or abandon thread?

It was hot inside in the summer, so hot that you could tell who had lived there a long time by the old scars that had taught them not to touch the metal in the summer, whereas those new, or just visiting, had blisters and burns on hands and knees. And when the wind blew, howling across the open thigh, in the winter,

The problem with spoilers is that it changes the first time. You can only experience something without understanding it once, every time after you have knowledge to guide you. I still remember going to the Matrix, never having seen a trailer for it, and being in awe because everything that happened was so amazing.

Boxing or some type of fencing. Why? A. It's fighting, which appeals to the fantasy lover in me. B. It's one one one so you don't have to deal with team mates, which appeals to the introvert in me. C. I'd go with UFC because it's a big gladiator thing, but then they come out with Affliction t-shirts and you look

Myspace angles. On a related note, are we still using the term 'myspace angle' or did that die along with myspace?

Do you know what a great neighbourly exchange would be? Getting together and talking about the whole no truck thing instead of making knee-jerk reaction letters you can send out to everyone to make them scared truck parking will ruin their investments, leaving them with a house worth two-dollars.

I want a small pond or aquarium filled with these. Can you imagine putting it at the end of a hall so that when visitors come they see a 'glitchy' wall? Oh what fun.

See, there's this thing in engines known as a camshaft. It has lobes that rotate, which then, in turn, open and close the valves on the engine as it rotates. It has been in the engine since the beginning of engines.

The buttons have been replaced by a huge Tesla Model S-like touch screen that Volvo swears is intuitive to use. I hope so. Most of them aren't. The touch screen's functions also interact mlessly with the adaptive digital display in front of the driver. On the inside it's supposed to be "bright and cozy" like a Swedish

Are you kidding? He got to have an adventure of a life time, with a story to match, without every being in any real danger.

Be sure to get a breaker bar or impact gun to take the wheels off to access anything behind them and a torque wrench to put the wheels back on. Get a short extension if you're constantly running into your own fender flares.

Please stop it with your "facts" and bias towards "rational" thinking based in the real world and leave me in the dreamland of spinning triangles.

• 1/3 Campari

Reasons this cockpit is cool: it's a plane cockpit from future past (or the past's future or the future filtered through the past and brought to the present or some weird time-wimey type thing); it's a flying bridge in that you are driving this vehicle from the second floor. Ok, so the rest of the vehicle is an

Driving the C63 is a really, really satisfying experience. The car's character changes dramatically with a twist of the little knob that takes you from Comfort to Sport to Sport+, and the car proves itself to be good in all these modes. Comfort gives you a comfortable (duh), fast, stable, GT highway cruiser. Great