
What about trees bursting from the sap freezing?

Never liked his book but love his taste in cars.

I'm going with yes. It used to be things took maintenance, now, unless the thing is alive, you throw it out and get a new one. Many of us rent our houses, which means the landlord often does a lot of the housework/maintenance, and newer cars are more and more pushing a hands off approach.

I love that designers looked at moderns cars and just pulled an angry cat.

… in North America.

I don't know why people come back to your complete lack of interest to this whole segment with comments about how useful the vehicle is. They're boring vehicles; it's the Camry of the niches. Yes, you can see over other people , until you go where everyone else has one, yes you might be able to fit more stuff inside,

Powered by PROTON's 1.6L Turbo engine, with its 7-speed ProTronic CVT, the Proton Suprima S delivers power and torque equivalent to a 2.0-litre naturally aspirated engine. The 1.6L power plant produces 103kW @ 5000rpm with maximum torque of 205Nm from 2000 to 4000rpm. The driving dynamics of the Suprima S is enhanced

" more realms and the redness..."

Because it's a challenge and we are made better when we are challenged. Because it will inspire people. Because of what they will learn along the way. Because it will make them happy and the world can use more happiness. Because risks pay off in strange ways that can not always be seen before hand. Because they'll

I always thought the Cosmo had a weird French vibe, design-wise. The author of the piece hits on some awkwardness of design in the car that he says will result in it always being an also-ran, but I think it's the weird awkwardness that attracts me to the car, much like the strange aesthetic in many older French cars,

This is some Willaim Gibson type shit happening here. Some rich guy from the shadows trying to hold the future of the world by way of consumer products. Weird, but that doesn't mean I don't want to read the novelization.

They still called it the Paris to Dakar rally, but the name was the only thing that was the same.

Both have a penchant for formal wear?

A) good on you for wading into the comments and talking about shit. It makes the world better when people talk about shit instead of ignoring people and yelling at them. B) I was writing a pitch the other day and was thinking of using a similar rhetorical tool, setting up a negative stereotype from the voice of

That's how they do you know – drive around listening to rap and shooting all the jobs.

And with the 15 year rule here in Canada all the trucks my Dad brought in were fully street legal.My brother ended up driving a Jumbo around for a year as his DD because it was so cheap.

My Dad imported and sold those mini trucks for a while. He ended putting some mattracks on one and he said it would go anywhere. He also followed his friends on quads and kept up no problem. Fun little things.

I think Meiville tipped his hand a bit too much in Railsea. The build up of the mythology was subtle, but the tear down seemed too on the nose, and now looking back I see that driving every book I can remember reading of his: The Kraken revealed deity, only to tear it down; The City and The City had the in-between

The couple watched the fœtus on the computer screen as robots tended to its need in its synthetic womb.