
So here's a fun fact that is not completely out of left field: I ran a couple red lights this summer because I was on a motorbike and new they wouldn't change for me; I had sat in front of them for long periods of time previously and the device that detects a vehicle never detected me, either because I was too light

He’s also mindful of his own look — typically a dark suit and rimless eyeglasses. At Meiji University, he rode in a Segway-like Toyota Winglet, donning khaki pants rolled up above the ankle, a square-ended crimson tie, black wayfarer glasses and a trendy hairdo.

This. While Christians have done some fucked up things, a central tenant of Christianity is not 'let's conquer the world and kill everyone who is different than us, especially those Jewish people." Does that mean there have never been Christians who have been that racist? No. But if you identify as a nazi you identify

Can you make a house in this instead and have a moving base? Because that would be cool.

Then each surrogate would be be honed, i.e. photoshopped, because people tend towards the vain side of things more often than not, into barely recognisable masks as their own face will be regarded as untrustworthy and unlikeable on the screen causing Video-Physiognomic Dysphoria (or VPD) as a result of the

She references a lot of rap video cliches (crystal etc.) so I'm assuming when she says Cadillac this is what she means:

The wonderful Sera Trimble, who we've got the frequent pleasure of hanging out with, gets an article in the WSJ today written by her and told to none other than A.J. Baime.

I heard otters can cause shit with rocks, like smashing glass in their cage, if it has glass, because otters like smashing shit, preferably shells of shellfish I'm sure.

I think I'm going to be finished after this, because this is where I disagree with you on the definition of a word and nothing will come from this playing with definitions. But here's what I think regardless: I don't think she has an opinion about sushi, at least not as she espouses it; she has someone else's opinion.

I disagree that all thought/knowledge is equal. If you expound on your love of sushi in front of a younger cousin/sibling (let's say the younger cousin/sibling is 5), and then that younger sibling runs out telling everyone how great sushi is, that doesn't mean the younger cousin likes sushi. The sibling would sound

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Let's throw away everything Tolkien wrote about dwarves because I don't have the ability to do this epic chase justice. –Peter Jackson

But aren't you glossing over the fact that language is a system of signifiers? i.e. the ability to manipulate language doesn't mean an understanding of language. While the room and the man together may write something that seems to have intelligence behind it, it doesn't mean that either the computer or the man know

It would be amazing if I did, as I was 12 at the time it left our shores and it would have made me the awesomest 12 year-old in the world.

They keep promising me... They keep promising me that they'll make a new one. They make me feel all excited. This is ridiculous.

A) Falfa may have had him off the line, but Milner was catching up

Anything with John Milner. Dude was a badass.

Yay for RX-7. The chart brought me right to it, mind you the chart brought me to a lot of awesome car and the RX-7 was just one, which is why this is useless because every question is answered with a yes and thus it give me 50 answers instead of one.

You had me at the Rendez-vous and lost me at explosions. People like the Rendez-vous because it's cool: cool exhaust note; cool setting; cool driving; cool ending. Explosions and flipping cars aren't cool. They may be fun, but are decidedly uncool. All the really good car chase movies understand this: Ronin; Bullit;

Not really what you're asking, but I remember my Dad using vice grips to hold together the suspension on our tent trailer when the leaf spring let go so we could get to a town and get it fixed.