
But those crazy yachts are meant for both.

Combine this with the Decoliner below and you have a vehicle that is awesome in just about every way. But seriously, whoever designed this kinda failed. Why would you make it look like every other motorhome on the market. It needs to look cool and yachty so people look at it and go wtf. With all the ridiculous yachts

As always, you should take this news with a gulp of salt, but considering how long we've known about the BMW-Toyota partnership, I think we may be able to expect something concrete soon. I like the idea of BMW building the engine because that could mean the Supra (if that's what they call it, and I hope they do) will

Did anyone else get a flashback to Tiki Bar TV? That show was gold.

You were driving that car in the thirties? That makes you, through my historical maths and leaps of intuition, a Nazi.

What about 7s? I'm gonna uses 7s in peoples names. 7s are cool.

Atheism is a belief, in fact a faith based belief structure. Atheism rejects God's existence, but for what reason? Because of evolution? Because of science? Neither of these things negate any type of god or god-like being. The faith there, then, is that you, or humanity in general, have come to a point where are

You choo choo choose me?
I'm flattered. As I was reading this I also remembered them swooping in with long lines, a cable about 20 feet long, trailing under them and hooking the nets full of trees with someone holding the net's hook, probably the size of a carabiner, above their head. I never could get my head around

I wasn't trying to say that's my problem with you, I was agreeing with the turtles all the way down comment. My point was simply that many comments I read seem to take for granted materialism to the point that they don't even seem to see it as a belief structure. There was a post about the possible hurdles to putting

This is the problem I have with rationalist, materialists and atheists. To say we only go as far as we can experience through material and scientific means seems limiting to me. Just because something can't be measured doesn't mean it is not there. The thing I think these kind of conversations are useful for is

So many places to go. I need to not be lazy right now and take a linguistic adventure through typography town.

I guess so. That makes me want to write a gothic poem about ampersands on Death row and their signature ligature. Language can be so macabre.

And the word for smashing letters together like that is ligature. Yay for words and language.

Now playing

No video, but my first summer treeplanting we were on helicopters every morning and afternoon for at least a week. One of our blocks was so steep the pilot couldn't lad so she just nosed it in and we got out while the helicopter was still under power, commando style. I will never feel that bad ass again.

A couple Rs that don't come from Honda:

I honestly don't get people defending businesses because they need to make more money. If a business bought your favourite team (if you have one) then moved them across the country to make more money, the fans would bitch. Come back a decade later and they'd still be bitching. Sure, it'd get a bit annoying, but there

Give him the Defiant and a crew full of misfits and everything will be good.

But can it beat me at button mashing on Street Fighter?

Cars came to Japan initially from primarily English-speaking countries, and certainly places that used the western/Latin alphabet. As a result, that alphabet is now always associated with cars in Japanese culture, and the idea of using anything other than Western characters to write the name of a car just seems absurd

I've noticed the biggest difference between old New York and new New York is just a hell of a lot of scaffolding. Are they preserving it for posterity?