
Why would they equip it with a manual now, when they equip 4 GT2s with a manual later and charge 3x the price? You are spot on with that assessment, and I think none of us expect anything less.


He probably took a shower and accidentally ingested some of that goodness so endemic to Rio and other third-world destinations.

Probably something like:

“#Autopilot, y'all. #Teslalife"

They will see recourse but to initiate Project Bobbit.

I keep reading this as "vape rape", which is what happens if you don't vape and go to a Subaru meet.

inb4 Jezebel shows up.

I figure I’ll go with the first one, pick an expensive, exclusive car, and (since it says if “I’m” driving it) sell it off to the next person. No matter what the cost is, it’s a profit, and I’ll be sure to tell them all about the life-force-drainy-thing in the exact same place the dealership tells you about all the

Just replace that j with an m and make 80% of the populace uncomfortable.

Instructions unclear, joist stuck in vagina.

You are so right. This is easily the most fun I have ever had on the internet.

lol deep in the hole I get it.

I didn’t grow up in a “town”, per se, more like “out in the county”. I know he was well-known in the area, and everyone I knew gave him a wide berth. He was legitimately committed to his CIA, UFO dissecting persona, though, so I doubt he would involve himself in the petty goings on of us sheeple.

Just damned inconvenient is what it is.

I never got robbed, but a group of friends and I were shot at, chased, and stalked by a man who claimed to be CIA and he did not want us to see the UFO he was reverse engineering.

The lack of gunfire is infinitely refreshing.

“Enjoy your L" as in "catching an L"? Because I interpreted something differently than some others? Or am I missing something here?

I love to drive. I’ve spent a fair amount of time and an idiotic percentage of my income on making my car more fun and more communicative.

But I live in an area with one curvy road (ONE) and it's all of a quarter mile long. I would love something at least semi-autonomous for the ubiquitous straight, flat roads around

My assumption went a step further, truthfully. I assumed it meant both. As in, “It wouldn’t feel like a sure thing, but if I HAD to put money on it, I would go with the Ferrari.” I can absolutely concede that he probably had more fait in the LaFerrari than in the Concept One, I think many of us would as well (myself

Do what?

“If I had to”.

I think my point was a little cloudy, I just thought the use of the word “certainty” presupposes an inability, on the presenter’s part, to accept that the Concept One could possibly out-accelerate the Ferrari, when in the video he says “I really don’t know...” followed by “If I had to...” and “...surely