
Funny how when some racist asshole comes for someone and calls them the n word and shit and they get clocked certain people are quick to condemn said Black person for “standing their ground” but some white (or white wannabe) dickhead decides to use lethal force when they get into a shoving match, the same assholes

Could it be that the shopkeeper is not as innocent as they claim?

Stand Your Ground cannot and will not ever work in a city like New York. There’s too many fuckin people. You’re gonna get shooting wars that go on for blocks as everyone tries to stand their ground against everybody else.

You don’t sound supportive of Kim. She’s the victim here. You have more sympathy for the criminal than the victim. Have you seen the pictures of her face? Shame on you!

Have you considered that this may be unconscious (not necessarily racial) bias on your part? Unless you believe that the white guy (who got arrested and charged) is somehow in on this audience manipulation, the kid ended up in a much more vulnerable position at the end of that fall.

To the gaggle of “Whattabouts” that vulture around the Root looking for openings to which the plying of your wares in this seems to be apropos.....even if ‘Chicago’ or any other region didn’t exist at all. If Black people could be exactly as white people want us to be (as if) to be sure you and your luckless ilk would

You can lose control of your legs and take weird tumbles when you’re fucking terrified.

They lose their mind over aliens crossing the border every day.
I pity extraterrestrials if they ever arrive.

you said a bunch of stupid shit that doesn’t make any fucking sense

Funny how everyone gives a damn about babies...until taxes go up to help poor mothers care for theirs, or protecting them may “infringe upon” one’s right to own mini-armories.

I am a descendent of Ocoee Massacre victims. My father sought reparation for about a decade during the twilight of his life. He died before Florida decided to award us “something”, which ended up being nothing for a while as they took back the money and now it’s some kind of scholarship.

I could most definitely be mistaken but I believe Nathan Beford Forrest was more than “a KKK leader” and was in fact “the founding Grand Wizard/Cyclops/Chief Dickhead” of the KKK when it began. And we know why/how the KKK began so I won’t bore you with it- all I’ll say is what I say every time I think of the Civil

Root, you know I *love* you, but darling, when a nonmuhfugginfactor such as Banks opens her yap or flexes those Twitter fingers, please, please, look the other way and write about something more pressing or prescient.

Why do you keep spilling ink for a has-been whose M.O. is to go after the biggest name possible to get yours in the press (step 2. Profit?)

It’s whiplash inducing how fast she can go from coherent to incoherent.

She’s a Trump supporter, Banks can go fuck herself.

If it was just him dying on that hill, I’d let him too. The trouble is the collateral damage for trans people, who are literally being killed for Chapelle’s bigotry. That is his legacy, dead trans people. I always said that if you want to look at the people playing the game of life on the hardest setting imaginable,

Speeding. It’s in the article. Tell us you scrolled right to the comments without telling us you scrolled right to the comments.

I’m Black and love camping, hiking, not so big on fishing but if there’s beer then I’m in. I love being able to walk from my city, across a nearby bridge into another city, then taking the ferry back. I would REALLY love to do the pacific crest trail, or the appaliachian trail, or even walk across the entire country.