
I really feel bad for GUNNA, he was doing so good. Working hard.

Old white motherfuckers motherfucking once again

Handmaid’s Tale protests are a perfect example of the Instagramification of protest movement. It’s cosplay. Nothing more, nothing less. As someone who has attended many a Comicon over the years, I know cosplay when I see it.

If we’re going to lay blame, then let’s lay it all the way out. The HOTEPS, various “Afrocentric(k)s”, the NATIONalists, and others in their respective orbits are not guiltless in what you laid out.

Chile, I’d gather you, but it seems you tied yourself in a Gordion Knot of conservative contradictions already. I commend you for not going full Hotep, but your dry edges, if you can call them that, are parched because that noggin has not had any nourishing knowledge for quite some time.

His complaints are on-point. The main folks who get exposure in cishet circles like these tend to be baiters that everybody recognizes as straight no matter how “fluid” they appear to be or people who are fluid but straight-coded. Even LNX started out as the latter. And even when they aren’t, if they wanna stay

“The Evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones.” (Act III, “Julius Caesar “)

It is a big ask for most to fully grasp that homophobia in the Black community can trace its way back to Transatlantic slave trade and THE DAMN CHURCH, but here we are.

get lost nazi troll, he’s right that there is a big issue of homophobia in the black community still, many black folks still see being LGBTQ as a “white thing” and think it’s unnatural and goes against Jesus or whatever.

Who are these “voting academy” members? How are they selected? Are they even members of the community? Are they an inclusive group. BET needs to be transparent on this issue and not just say “wasn’t us.” BET needs to publish the list of members and how they are invited to be members of the voting academy.

We fought a war a couple of hundred years ago so that we wouldn’t have to give a shit about this stuff


That is one nutty-ass headline.

What sort of deep-fried fricking idiocy is this article?! You’re seriously trying to use literally anything as an excuse to decry how black women get treated and you’re trying to insinuate that this is about Heard’s gender and not about her lying through her teeth?

“to the dozens of young Black women R.Kelly abused” 

wait a min,where did the black women part come from in this topic.This trial proved that WOMEN can be the AGRESSOR and That MEN can be the VICTIM.

Yikes, terrible article! Extreme projection.. extreme Black feminism.. extreme “believe all women!”

The mountain of evidence demonstrated that Heard is a narcissistic, sociopathic, serial abuser who exploited her position of privilege and her clearly-troubled (ex)spouse for personal gain.

Yes, Black women get the shit end of the stick way too much and this will make it harder to get real justice.