
Additionally, I’ve seen more of this than the defense of Black women in attacked/disrespected in the same genre. It’s so extreme that despite the celebration of colorism in rap, not even light/biracial sisters are exempt. Eminem disrespected Mariah Carey without consequences; Tameka “Tiny” Cottle was constantly

No, this is what happens when people expect the guy that gets the seat to fix everything with a wave of their hand and ignoring both how government works and what power the president actually has..

While the president can influence and even direct some law creation (via working with Congress/Senate to craft/taylor

Listen to me closely, Earthlings:

So you wrote a wall of text to basically say that gay relationships can be just as messy as hetero ones.

Why are we surprise that a Rapper who refers to black women as ‘bitches and hoes’ and throws the n-word around very loosely is also a homophobe? Smdh

National crisis and we ask Black Women to save us...again.

Ok. Odd tangent though.

Dude you’re off the rails. I highly doubt anyone here supported torture or CIA regime change.

You should realize that most of the readers here were STRONGLY against the Iraq war and torture of POWs and still are against maintaining Guantanamo Bay. We protested in the streets back in 2003 to keep the US from invading Iraq.

Did you forget your meds today?

What? None of that had ANYTHING to do with what they wrote, and then you insult them by calling them a coward? What the fuck?

“Why don’t they pretend that they’re real university students and try to learn and be open to other views that don’t conform to their view? I want them in my class. I relish having an exchange with them,”

You would think they would. Not hard to think of situations where a caller would need to be as quite as possible for thier own safety.

Didn’t an asshole cop post an equally tasteless meme? My god where do they find these people?

Have you not seen the rest of her family? Antonio Brown is all she knows. We all have family like Keisha. We hate to see them suffer but for some reason; that’s what they gravitate toward.

Please... I knew who Marvin Gaye was and I was not born in his era. Its called musical appreciation and it doesn’t just apply to the era you were born either, but especially if you brand yourself as a musician or artist. The lack of knowledge isn’t surprising when the artist is white, or Latino for that matter.

This is probably the last we hear from her until she gets her own Unsung episode 

Ok, I thought it was just me whose mind immediately went to “poor girl will only exist for 1 album - 2 tops on Diddy’s label. The second he sees something shiny, he’ll get distracted and shelve her. 


Somebody put this guy on a list, please.