
Too much for you to even both if that’s your reaction. You can have a preference and recognize that some dialects are intentional to reach their target market. If you’re going to belittle creative freedoms, don’t  waste your time, it will just upset you more.

I would say “some people”.. but yes.. you are right.. everyone needs someone to be the “bottom” rung so they can metaphorically shit on them.. use them as the reasons for their woes as opposed to looking in a mirror (a clean non-rose tinted one) for fault. Some people NEED to tear others down rather than fixing their

This is how the powerful get us to fuck ourselves.

Yeah. It’s a circular firing squad of fuckery.

When Scott says he was “raised by a single mom who worked long hours to keep us out of poverty” does he not realize that this is one of the fucking problems that abortion helps to mitigate?

No one condoned violence and did you even read the article? Jaleel White threatened to physically attack a woman over an disagreement because he couldn’t get his way. Jo Marie Peyton has a right to defend herself if someone threatens to fight her. Where is all this energy in condemning Jaleel White for his

That is actually what I said. They don’t care about us, it’s because the white population is going down and they are trying to do everything in their power to make sure they stay in charge.

My favorite part about Kevin Samuels and guys like him, is that they actually believe their audience is “high value men”, who have trouble navigating the dating world as successful objects of desire for women. In reality, the only people who believe the garbage they peddle are insecure, fragile men who can’t get

Not all Black men are worthy of defense and this motherfucker does nothing but profit on misogynoir. He’s a disgusting pig. We could do less with articles about him but the idea that trashing him is some issue with Black feminism is wrong. He belongs in the damn sewer.

That sounds like one of those things that could vary by school district, city, and state they are located. It wouldn’t surprise me that the district would absorb the funds instead of getting to just give cash to a single school. That celeb donating things could also be just as well attributed to vanity, since they get

Interesting take. This fool shoots Megan. She volunteers to do an interview with Gayle King and you choose to attack Gayle King for doing her job. Perhaps Gayle would not have to do this kind of report is some men would not behave like such assholes. She’s not making this stuff up!

Never said that the hate was for “whites”.  The hate is for the petty people like those from the story that denied her her proper rewards because ... it bent them out of shape.

I love when white people complain about

This is one of those cases where someone of color thinks they are White because there are other darker people around to point at... until they get into places where they are the darkest and then they finally realize what is what.

Despite the broad paintbrush he’s using.... looking at the current republican party, conservatives, rhetoric being espoused by many groups, the re-rise of Nazism and extremism as well. Is he wrong?..

So are you going to talk about the 10 people shot in Iowa yesterday? How about the mass shootings in other red states with lax gun laws. See fuckface we have strict gun laws here and in New Jersey & Connecticut but sadly that doesn’t prevent mouth breathing, Fox News watching Chud fucks like you from coming to our

Thankfully his gun jammed or this could’ve been worse. All the morons talking about how this happened in a Democrat run city need to step the fuck off. We have strict gun laws in this city and state so do New Jersey & Connecticut. That doesn’t prevent some moron from another state from getting a gun and coming here to

The murder rate in NYC is 5.5 per 100,000 inhabitants. The murder rate for the entire state of Florida is 5.9 per 100,000 inhabitants. 5.5 < 5.9

Smith was definitely in the wrong.

However, I find it ironic that if a character he played in a movie had done this, the audience would have been cheering. Hollywood promotes toxic masculinity, but can’t abide it when it happens to THEM.

If Harvey Weinstein gets to keep his Oscar, and Woody Allen gets to keep his Oscars, then you should keep Will Smith’s name out your mouth. At least he didn’t sexually assault anybody.