
Funny how it only becomes complicated when it comes to compensating Black people.

This happened with my mother when she had cancer as well. Losing her hair was a big mental blow to her.

My mum lost her hair when she was going through chemotherapy. She called me the night her hair started falling out, a few days before I was going to drive out to see her. She said she wanted to make sure I had fair warning, but I think really she was upset and was trying to process what she was going through.

It’s white people.

Oh, I see. You think backing J. Prince is more important than noting the fuckery that he’s making this stand for. So daft AND willing to overlook fuckery that doesn’t affect you directly.

So, Adams, like every other politician, responded to money. So much for HIM being any kind of role model.

Why would anyone want to back anything with Kanye attached to it. He was an asshole before he fell into the sunken place, and he’s been showing his ass even more after his Becky dumped him.

Are you fucking daft? Where in the rather short paragraph that I wrote above did I say anything about J. Prince.

These fools really tryna make all Black folks look bad. We ain’t Kanye! Give the rest of us a break, please!

Coachella could do a 3-day performance from Sugar Ray and still sell out in the first hour... yes, people love the music, but that’s not really why they go. They go to get fucked up and act stupid while suffering from heat exhaustion and dehydration.

Take a step back and ask, “Are we really surprised by this?”

She did not mention race, blackness, whiteness, or anything of the sort.

Heads up: racism isn’t about “what’s in your heart.” It’s what you say and what you do. And what she did was attack two Black women for absolutely no reason. So yeah, it was racist.

“Look, I’m not in the business of telling people what they are and are not allowed to be offended by...”

Exactly! As a somewhat unremarkable Black woman (at least I think what I do is entirely normal, although white people seem to have other ideas about that) white people automatically place Black women in a box marked “inferior”, and if you do not behave according to their script, they feel its their job to make sure

Black folks were born into a racist society that shows racism in the most blatant and subtle of ways. Constantly. It is not far fetched to say that Campion “took aim” at “black women” with “vitriol” because what other motive or point did she have to even point them out and speak about them in such a diminishing way?

It is because they have the nerve to be successful while being Black. While it does not fully matter what we do while being Black (more about being the fact that we do ANYTHING while being Black), Black success is the ultimate affront for whiteness and white supremacy. Messages like Campion’s are essentially the

Holding him accountable  and not giving him a platform to exhibit his dangerous issues is not cancelling him. Stop coddling men who behave badly.

No Trevor. You want to “coddle” the guy. Totally different “c” word, and frankly that’s what’s been happening for years already and it’s clearly NOT been working.

Hol up pointy lip dude, your brand of bullshit is exactly that - yours.  It ain’t a black thang; it’s yours.  I dislike when people decide to apply a thick layer of their bad behavior to everyone who might remotely share some of their characteristics.