
What is it about social activism that brings out the mooches, leeches and megalomaniacs?

I had a therapist who described suicide as what happens when the pain a person feels outstrips the coping mechanisms for dealing with it. Religion can help people deal with a lot but the truth is some things are stronger than religion.

However, her family did not believe she would take her own life because she was a “devout believer in Jesus,” reported

Colorism being common doesn’t negate racism.

I think you are confusing the success of a small number of people to be indicative of the entire group.. (something many racists like to bring up I might point out.. (ie: “You just had a black president... so it proves racism is dead so any race related issues are made up or you are taking things out of context”)


 Lol, the racist loser in the greys is already triggered hard. Here's to him dying mad about it. 

We provide military aid, sales, or training (sometimes all three) to three quarters of the World’s authoritarian regimes. Our wars and those of our allies have killed around 2 million people since 2001, (some estimates are significantly higher, incorrectly in my view). You should see opinion polls in the Middle East

Brendan Celluci: “It’s safe to say Red Sox fans have been shocked by the comments of a former player.”

I’ve never seen anyone fuck up an attempted compliment so badly. Is there an award for that?

“Although he’s an award-winning doctor who has authored hundreds of papers on mental illness...” He needs to heal himself since, to my thinking, antiblackism is a form of mental illness among white people and is widespread.

I clocked that cop’s name. Is being an anti-Black racist part of the Asian immigrants’ “Welcome to Amerika” goodie bag, along with the white woman fetish?

This is one of the clearest examples of fetishism I’ve seen in recent memory.

He’s describing gorgeous woman who has a dazzling smile, enough cheekbone for three normal models, and appears to be an utter badass (based on her response to this idiot). I spent a couple of minutes learning about Nyakim Gatwech and found

Nyakim Gatwech is gorgeous and a perfect example of how and why what it takes to be a model exists outside of all skin tones. You can just see she has “it.”

“If I’ve gotten to that point where I say, ‘I can take off this condom,’ I’m gonna say, ‘She could be the mother of my child.’ Every woman that I have a child with, there is definitely a conversation about, ‘Wow, how amazing would this be?’ I feel like every woman I have a child with are amazing mothers, and there

Yep as we all know the children of rich people always turn out great!

Translation-”You ever tried paying monthly child support for as many kids as i’ve got?”

I work at a non-profit. This:

Its simple, people get irate the second someone calls out another’s racism.. (somehow equating racist actions = racist = killing black people) when in fact, as she pointed out, while he may not BE racist, he’s using the ire of racism for economic gain.. (basically this generations Howard Stern.. saying things more for

She’s right. Trevor Noah is pleading for people to hear the nuance when the blunt, shorter statement is still accurate. You can hear in the clips that Rogan goads his guests into saying the word specifically because it’s bad. They’re not talking about the word “bucket” or “moose.” The whole point is to pick this word t

“I think he was saying it because it got a rise out of people,” Arie said. “That’s why he would say it. He knew that it was inappropriate, and I think the fact that he did it repeatedly and was conscious and knew, I think that is being racist.”