
It doesn’t surprise me so many miss the point. Let’s be real, what happened at this Zoom meeting is basically a larger scale example of what happens here all too often. This is supposed to be a Black space but we have people who are ungrayed who are fucking anti-Black trolls and worse, they constantly ungray racist

Ninja2314, I could care less what you think. Go whine somewhere else with someone who actually does care about you and get a life. As I was saying, you’re only in here trying to take up space.

People are missing the point in these comments. This isn’t about Nicki or TikTok. This is about the fact that white people think they must be nosy about everything we do. They just have to take up all the space, be obnoxious about it, not learn a damn thing about anything, report their findings to other white people

Kanya West is a fuckwit maga bro so delusionally in love with himself he should have been married to a mirror.

Your sanctimonious and smug pseudo intellectual asides mean less to me than a festering bowl of dogshit.

Since when is “baby daddy” racially coded? Best to go fuck yourself.

Kanye is old enough to be her Father and he’s bullying someone who’s a kid to HIM and who didn’t call his name. Like all good bullies, he’s trying to start stuff with someone who he thinks can’t/won’t swing back. No matter how you try to spin it and make it look good, it’s not a good look

Did you apologize to any of us (including your biracial children, who you seem to care so much about when it’s in regards to how Kim handles them) for saying slavery was a choice? No, I seem to recall you danced around it before having another freak out to shift the media’s attention.

I have heard some wypipo try to use it before, but most of the times they aren’t main ones I see using it. People really do use it incorrectly a lot nowadays though. As was said, #FFFFFF-passing folks aren’t ambiguous people who identified as Black or “mixed” openly, but people who chose not to because their physical

He was never at the bottom of the ladder, his parents are university professors.

Building a school, namely a public one, is entirely up to the county, the school board, and taxpayers like Dave. The developers have little to nothing to do with it, unless you’re talking about a private school...which still requires the sign-off of the county, the school board, and the tax payers.

If Dave wants a

I think she said what she had to say gracefully and with great compassion for her grandmother and what she experienced. Congratulations, though, on countering that with an incredibly idiotic post because you want to make her seem ridiculous for displaying an actual sense of everyone’s shared humanity.

EXACTLY! Like what “roles” for dark-skinned Black women has she been taking, based on her history? What men? We counting Norbit (and by Mawuga was that film oozing with misogynoir and fatphobia) now? Why is she “apologizing” for being light as-if that’s some kind of offense those “prejudiced” dark-skinned Black women

That was the most self-congratulatory bullshyt-ass “apology”, and nothing honestly signified how goofy and dishonest it was to me than when she went out of her way to single out AfAm women as being the main ones she receives “prejudice” from. And of course, she’s been married for over two decades to a white man yet app

Here we go again. Water is moisture; lock it in. I’m tired of the so-called experts and their back and forth. Use oil; don’t use oil. Some of the new way of thinking left me damn near bald. Everybody - do what works for your hair. For my high-porosity stuff, it’s locking in the moisture with butters/oils/hell, grease.

“I have some of them in close proximity to me and I’m not repulsed by their presence.”

Of course she could have turned down those roles and that is the problem with her apology. She takes no responsibility and wants us to believe it’s out of her hands. She accuses Black women of being harsh toward her while at the same time she wants our validation. I’m so tired of people who need women like me to make

Con artists at least know how to lie. Grifters know not to show their ass and keep their hand hidden. I don’t know what to call these people. Rubes? Bumpkins?

I don’t remember anyone trying to cancel Kelly Marie Tran.

Thats not true. David culley’s situation was vastly different than urban Myers, Kyle Shanahan's, and a host of others. Players and coaches around the league call it the switch and bait. Hire the black coach in the most dire situation (no talent, no first round pick, terrible salary cap) lose a year or two or three.

Why does the accent disappear when she isn’t playing a character?

I haven’t followed her career much and had assumed the appropriation fuss was over her little rap tunes until I saw a clip from her show Nora from Queens that was WILDLY racist and made all the worse by her above quotes regarding accents and minstrelization.