
Basket of deplorables? You don’t say....

A person I agree with about 75% of the time vs. a literal dumpster fire is nothing forced to me.

Between the unhinged asshole, the guy who thinks the veto will solve all our problems, the “doctor” who thinks wifi will give our kids cancer, and Hillary, it’s an easy choice.

Here’s an idea: build up some voting blocs in state legislatures. Get a couple congresspersons elected. Build an actual party.

“Change would be nice, but we should be concerned with the immediate future,” while people are dying from the DNC’s failures. It is a position of privilege.

Well, voting third party so you can remain morally pure which is effectively the same as casting a vote for Trump/Pence/GOP will definitely ensure that will happen.

Look up a guy at Harvard named B.C. Burden. He did the definitive analysis of the 2000 election and determined, mathematically, that YES, Nader swung that election. I'll take the word of a Harvard statistician over an internet commentator, but that's just me.

Also, we don’t live in a democracy.

Ask us Nader voters how that worked out. Better yet, ask everyone. Including the maimed and wounded from Bush’s wars or the families of the dead. Nevermind, it’s all about you.

Yeah, Johnson is obvious, but Stein seriously lacks the experience and temperament for the presidency. At least Bernie Sanders had 20 years of experience in the Senate; Stein’s highest elected position was member of the town meeting (City Council-equivalent) for Lexington Massachusetts, a town of 31,000. She has zero

Al Gore lost New Hampshire, Ohio, Nevada, Florida, and Missouri by less than 5%. Guess what percent of the electorate voted for Ralph Nader in those states?

The GOP’s smear campaign has been wildly successful.

quick to point out dems voting red but you forget to mention there were over 10k dems that voted for nader and gore lost by less than 10k votes, no single factor lost florida for the dems, but to say nader had no impact is not something i agree with

Wow, everyone loves this question. While our democracy is imperfect due to barriers to access to the franchise, it is still technically a combination of representative democracy (that is, a system whereby those represented vote to choose their representatives who then enact laws) and a direct democracy (a system

If you actually cared about creating a viable third party, you’d be busy focusing on local and state elections to build a base so that you could have candidate with a statistically significant chance of victory.

Voting is ultimately an act of choosing outcomes, and not an effective instrument to express personal views, convictions and personal ideology.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, the purity test. Of all the ways we liberals shoot ourselves in the foot, this one is my absolute favorite.

Ask her if she’s proud to be in the company of the KKK and Neo-Nazis. Also ask her if she’s proud to support a candidate that Holocaust survivors (who would know a thing or two about fascist / racist / xenophobic leaders) are recoiling at.

actually its really really really easy.