
I’m easily amused.

Honestly, this is the primary reason why I cannot watch this movie. Especially now that I know she was oblivious to the allegations against Parker when she filmed this scene. The thought of it makes my skin crawl.

The thought of him, a former rapist, directing her through that scene is just revolting and terrifying. Honestly I view this as another trauma that she’s attempting to grapple with now.

No only Jesus is allowed to talk to my children about sex. He should be arriving any day now. Any daaaaay.

He just won joint custody I think.

He doesn’t just “work for” the heath care division, but is the Chair of that department and a partner in the firm. As a partner, he would have a financial stake in all the firm’s dealings and share in the profits of the firm.

I think the issue is not that he is an attorney at the firm, but that he is a partner of the firm. I assume that is where the financial interest becomes a question. If he were just a lawyer not assigned to Sony as a client, I don’t think it would be an issue (or less of one). But, as a partner he would have a much

I’m a man who like breasts and food, but going to a restaurant to oggle at the waitresses is high on the creep factor.

Should have been on their recusal list from the start. The judge never should have been assigned the case to begin with.

Dear people on my Facebook feed: If you are boycotting Walmart because of how it treated one police officer and not how it treats millions of employees; if you are boycotting the NFL because it tacitly supports not standing for the anthem and not because it tacitly supports rape, domestic violence and traumatic brain

I imagine that her parents gave up some portion of the monetary settlement in order to get them to agree to this filming. I applaud their commitment to preventing future sexual assaults.

Out of my various concerns over different Trump family members’ truthfulness, Melania lies (or failure to remember) her educational history ranks a distant one billionth.

Poor Al. His frustration was palpable. All these excuses over that idiot’s behavior.

You could feel his frustration and how he was just holding himself back from screaming at Billy for being an idiot. He should have just done it.

I feel bad for Mel Gibson being taken advantage of by that gold-digging Russian woman.

I haven't watched TDS much since Stewart left, but Noah seems to have improved greatly based on the few recent ones I've seen.

I don’t have a blanket presumption of guilt. But when a guy is acquitted while his friend was convicted of rape for the same act on the same person, I am pretty comfortable saying he is a rapist.

Thank you for this post. I’m also a victim of sexual assault and I find that all too often, society does see rape for what it is - a violent crime.

The evidence seems pretty clear; there is eyewitness testimony that the victim was glassy-eyed and passed-out drunk and that Nate Parker and Jean Celestin (who were at least sober enough to invite the witness to participate) were taking turns penetrating her. It seems pretty clear that the non-guilty verdict has more

and im kind of shocked there is no mention of the accused rape and the fact that his best buddy who was convicted of rape co-wrote the movie with him............