
Don’t give up hope yet.

There was a frantic escapism to Kesha’s music that was written off as frivolous and superficial early on. That frantic escapism was more obvious on her 2nd album where some of the “party” songs became darker. Out Alive and All That Matters have the whole theme of life is short and it sucks but partying is a temporary

Stranger rapes are taken seriously in cases of break-ins, someone being grabbed in a park, or when someone is badly injured. But a lot of stranger rapes, like those involving date rape drugs by strangers in a bar, are blamed on the victim. Whether a rape is consider an “abomination rape” or not seems to depend on many

Exactly! Why rape strangers when the police have made it clear you can rape people you know and most likely get away with it.  

Then call for a boycott of big venues like the Staples Center in Los Angeles. Large cities can better handle the economic impact of a boycott. And targeting these big venues would effect the bottom line of AEG. The Staples Center alone bring in more than 4 times what Coachella makes each year. Why target Coachella

At this point, it’s obvious you’re trolling. Job losses and decreasing charitable donations are always a bad thing especially for more isolated communities.

So what’s the answer? Boycott and hurt locals while not actually hurting the rich businessman who still has a massive business empire? How does that actually change anything?

The danger is artists being forced to boycott the festival. It won’t be an issue this year because artists have already signed contracts. But if artists are afraid to perform in the future, the festival will come to an end.

They aren’t fine as it is. Look at the poverty rates of their school district as an example. The locals would absolutely be impacted by it’s loss. No one ever claimed this was their sole source of income but it’s an important one. It’s Anschutz who will be fine without this festival. Visit AEG’s website and you’ll see

That’s what bothers me about this. Coachella is a tiny sliver of this man’s massive empire. There’s not a whole lot going on economically in the Indio area. They need this festival.

I wish I was rich enough to do that. This assclown will still be rich even if this festival went away. Coachella is just a tiny fraction of his overall income. But it’s a huge part of the incomes of local businesses and charities.

Bring attention definitely and give the guy some bad PR. Outside of that, there isn’t an easy answer. These are communities with lots of low income people and a school district with mostly low income students. They depend on this festival.

Bring attention definitely and give the guy some bad PR. Outside of that, there isn’t an easy answer. These are communities with lots of low income people and a school district with mostly low income students. They depend on this festival.

It always amazes me that businesses donate to groups that promote discrimination against many of their own customers. It makes zero business sense. But this whole boycott still bothers me. The Indio area of California has a lot of poor people who benefit from charitable contributions from the actual festival. They are

That area has a lot of low income minorities that benefit from the Coachella festival. I understand that people are upset by a guy like this but they aren’t thinking about how much financial damage could be done to ordinary people if this festival were to be cancelled due to boycotts. Considering how big Anschutz’s

They’re going to fuck it up just like they did during George W’s presidency. And it’s Trump’s biggest supporters who will suffer the most under his presidency just like they suffered the most under W’s presidency.

Trump is asking the terminally ill to hang on until election day to vote for him.

More like goddamn media and justice system.

It’s important to remember cases like this where media bias impacts criminal investigations and prosecutions. By remembering it, we can try our best to ensure it doesn’t happen to anyone else. It goes far beyond pretty girl tragedies (most of which are ignored by the media). The dingo baby case in Australia (link