
I saw a comment someone made saying he should have demanded 50% up front so it’s his own fault. Except asking for 50% up front wouldn’t have changed anything. The good news is some of his supporters are reachable if this is anything to go by.

She’s a pretty decent singer. Nothing amazing sure but most great artists in popular music have been decent vocally. She says herself that she’s a songwriter first. And if you listen to some of her lessor known stuff like The Harold Song or While You Were Sleeping, you’ll see she is a talented songwriter. She actually

“and try more to understand where this negativity is coming from (hint: largely conservative and neoliberal economic policies that leave the poor behind), and offer solutions to cure it.”

There is no viable third party right now so it’s pointless to vote for their candidates. A third party needs to start building itself at the state and local level. Once they have done that they can start running congressional candidates. Then at some point, they’ll have candidates who are both qualified enough to run,

I’ve been using Google Music’s 6 account family plan which costs $15 a month. I love it because not only do you get all the music but it comes with YouTube Red which allows video downloads for offline viewing. I think Google Music also has offers one of the highest per stream payout rates.

I think you have to differentiate between people who want to be helped and who don’t want to be helped. Chris was ordered into treatment and refused to co-operate. You can’t help someone who doesn’t want to be helped. But I know a guy who had mental issues that made him abusive, recognized it after several years, went

He was abused as a child and watched his mother being abused. He was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. None of this means its OK for him to abuse others. That’s why I said he’s throwing everything away by not getting treatment for his mental health issues. He can easily afford treatment but by choosing not to get it,

Apparently drugs were found at his place. If true, he may face charges. Without that though, the pulling the gun on the woman would be written off as a lie. People would claim she was lying to get money.

I’ll be surprised if he’s charged over this. And if he is charged I doubt a judge will do much. They don’t seem to like punishing men with prospects when violence against women is involved. He violated probation before and got away with it.

He had a very troubled childhood and is bipolar. He needs mental health treatment. He was ordered into rehab before but wouldn’t co-operate with treatment. The problem is it’s difficult to help someone who doesn’t want to be helped. Chris has money, a career and a beautiful daughter. He’s throwing it all away by not

Kesha’s is a first of a kind case where a singer is trying to get out of a contract based on abuse claims including financial abuses. It may not seem like that big of a case but considering how rampant both sexual and business abuses are in the industry, this might be an extremely important case to Sony Music. If

Obviously we can’t know whether or not the judge had a pro-Sony bias but a couple of things stood out to me during the injunction hearing. Kesha’s lawyers submitted a letter from Sony telling her she could only record with Dr. Luke. Sony’s lawyers did a complete 180 during the hearing and claimed she could record

Is the fact that he’s a partner in the law firm more of an issue though than if he was just a regular lawyer?

The judge was investigated in 2004 by the FBI for “allegedly doling out judicial favors to friends and associates” which makes this situation seem even worse.

The legal expert E! talked to says yes.

The judge was investigated by the FBI in 2004 as well.

If they were kids, it still wouldn’t be OK. Boys will be boys has to end. I feel for Al in this video. Arguing with stupid people who want to defend wrongdoing and justify terrible behavior is always extremely frustrating.

I liked Larry’s solo parts in the show the few times I watched it. But I thought the panel discussions were terrible. It just became five people sitting around agreeing with each other on everything. There were never any kind of alternate opinions, disagreement or disputes. There was never any kind of back and forth.

Agreed. I never stopped watching because I always felt Noah just needed time to get used to the role. I think he’s improved a lot and he’s become a lot more knowledgeable about the topics he’s covering. I can see why others were turned off though. There were individuals who could have seamlessly taken over from

The problem is that even in places like France Muslim women may be forced to cover up by relatives. They aren’t always choosing it themselves. Its tough because laws like this may benefit Muslim women who don’t want to wear religious attire but are forced to by their families while taking away the right to choose how