
Rightly or wrongly, people love whodunnits and true crime in general.

I can’t imagine a nine year old carrying out a crime of this complexity. It’s also unlikely the parents who had no history of abuse did it. The theory that someone entered the house when the family was out, hid when they came home, waited for them to fall asleep, and then carried out the attack is the most likely

While I understand that feeling, it also seems unfair to all the other people who worked on the movie, who’ve done nothing wrong.

Parker wasn’t convicted solely because he’d had consensual sex with the victim the day before. His friend was convicted of rape and received a 6 month sentence. If it hadn’t been for the previous consensual encounter, Parker would have been convicted as well. So people can decide that someone should be held

You should check out Lydia Loveless as well. She’s country/rock. I think, like Kacey, that she’d appeal to a lot of people who generally don’t like country music.

Trumpy doesn’t play by the rules everyone else has to play by. His fanboys and fangirls let him get away with it so why bother.

Lawyers have been involved in this case since 2005. There are legal documents proving that Kesha’s allegations go back that far. The reason she had to deny the allegations in 2011 was because she had made them in 2005 to begin with. Even though Kesha denied the allegations in 2011 other people in that case testified

There’s a lot of cancer in my family too but all my relatives who suffered from it were in their 60's or 70's. Except for one cousin who died at the age of 50. I’m completely paranoid about getting it. I fear its my fate

She’s obviously telling the truth. There’s way too much pointing to Luke being guilty. No one who has worked directly with Luke and Kesha has come out and defended him in any way. Feminists know well how the legal system screws over victims.

Someone witnessed one of the alleged sexual assaults. They were deposed in a previous case. There are also other accusers who will testify that Luke abused them as well.

Kesha dropped the case in California because the judge made clear she was going to dismiss it.

Kesha had no financial incentives to lie about rape when she originally made the allegation in 2005. It was the exact opposite. She had a financial incentive to ignore the rape and work with Luke anyway. She chose not to work with him for more than two years until he convinced her to return to work with him. Now he’s

I oppose the death penalty only because I worry about innocent people being executed. It annoys me that guys like Roof have no problem taking other people’s lives while being concerned for their own. He wants to live but didnt care that his victims wanted to live also.

Breitbart has been engaging in nasty attacks against Kesha on Twitter. They have their panties in a twist over her gun control stance. It’s nice to see how relevant she still is despite not being able to release music.

I linked to a story about someone doing a great thing and you have issues with it? What the heck is wrong with you? Why not be happy that someone did a great thing and stopped something terrible from happening? I’m objective on things and if people are making bullshit arguments, I’ll point that out. Sorry if


The fact he’s an athlete makes it so much better since sexual abuse is a much bigger problem among athletes than non-athletes. He’s a great example to other athletes.

It helps to find news stories about people doing the right thing. This is a troubling story but kudos to the guy who came to the rescue.

Those force and threat numbers for athletes versus non-athletes show the importance of accountability for wrongdoing. Athletes know they’ll be given a level of protection if they’re accused of sexual assault that non-athletes won’t get.