
Women who cry rape tend to be pathological liars or have some other kind of personality disorder. You probably haven’t met any because they’re very rare. No woman in her right mind would make up a false rape allegation because the consequences are too severe. I don’t get the idea that a woman regrets sex so she deals

It’s good advice. The problem is men rape women when they’re drunk because it’s easier. But if every woman stopped drinking tomorrow, men would still commit rape. Perhaps by putting date rape drugs into nonalcoholic drinks instead of alcoholic drinks. What then? Should women stop drinking anything in public? Women in

She’s definitely going to break Graf’s record.

Ideally she should lose her job. But there’s a shortage of judges in many areas so I can understand why that didn’t happen.

Too much pressure to excel.

If they’re Muslim it’s a terrorist attack. If they’re black, it’s BLM’s fault. If they’re white they’re mentally ill. If they’re Mexican, we need to build a wall to keep them out.

A lot of police killings aren’t justified. So even if that’s accurate it doesn’t mean there’s no problem. The man killed in Minnesota was stopped over a tail light. That’s hardly a crime worthy of the death sentence.

What effect will this have on the whole “good guy with a gun” thing? It should be fascinating to see how the pro-gun crowd reacts.

People always hate the poor. That doesn’t make murdering them OK. You sound like the people who justified the murders of Trayvon Martin and Tamir Rice because they were imperfect people from imperfect families.

I doubt he’ll be the second. That scenario has likely happened numerous times. Most police killings don’t become major news stories so you simply haven’t heard about the other times its happened.

Has BLM ever promoted violence against the police? If not, it isn’t their fault.

Only 3% of cops were indicted and only about a quarter of those went to prison. What’s interesting too is that most complaints to police departments involve only a small percentage of their cops. Usually less than 10%. If departments got rid of those few bad apples it could save hundreds of lives.

He had already been shot twice before the video began. He wasn’t a threat at that point. The police never moved in to arrest him. He was then shot twice more. The cops also don’t seem panicked or afraid. They’re just standing there shooting him. Police brutality is a huge problem in Fresno and the police chief always

I’ve never said racism doesn’t exist. I have said racism isn’t a significant factor in police killings and statistics back that up. Most people killed by police are white, Hispanic, Asian or Native American. I’ve also said blacks are disproportionately affected. But 70% of victims arent black. Why are people so

Now playing

This shooting is horrifying as well. The victim is 19 year old Dylan Noble and he was killed two weeks ago. He was pulled over by the police because they mistook him for someone else. They gunned him down even though he was unarmed.

That’s surprising to me. I would’ve thought seniors would lean Democratic due to social security and medicare.

Absolutely there are elements of racism in some cases but classicism can be a big factor as well. The police look down on people who come from both inner cities and trailer parks. Poor people are often feared and their lives are often seen as having less value. I think with the issue of police brutality people of all

That’s what surprises me about this story. This couple wasnt criticizing Trump over his economic policies. They were calling him out for hate and bigotry. I don’t know why any industry would want to seen to be supporting that.

Even renting one for a trip would be costly since they’re gas guzzlers.

Are retirees overwhelmingly conservative? It seems like there are plenty of elderly liberals. Although I suspect RV types may lean conservative.