
White people are being killed and abused by police practically every day. In fact poor whites suffer the exact same police harassment that poor blacks deal with. I do think cases with white victims need to be publicized more so people can see it doesn’t just happen to black people. It can happen to anyone. I think if

I think they’re referring to unarmed individuals. Most unarmed people killed by police are white. But blacks are disproportionately affected. For every one black person killed by police 2 whites are killed and 0.5 hispanics are killed. But when you take population size into account blacks are more likely to be killed.

So she’s 29 and had five children aged 7 and under? I wonder if this will turn out to be something similar to the Andrea Yates killings.

I was expecting a story about a guy walking in on the rape and losing control. Which would have been crazy enough. This I don’t get at all. They all sound like a bunch of psychos.

I enjoy celebrity gossip and even i didn’t recognize half these people. I guess well known celebrities haven’t been interesting this week.

She actually referred to herself as a runaway slave master. If you look at what she said in context, she’s talking about mastering getting away from past problems and not saying she’s a slave master.

That’s a good point. Rape victims often are asleep when the break in occurs so they aren’t in a position to defend themselves even if they have a gun. Rapists usually monitor the homes of their potential victims for weeks to ensure they live alone. If they do live with someone else, the rapist will wait until that

I still watch TDS and I still like it. But I really wanted Jessica to take over from Jon Stewart. I don’t know if she was considered but she seemed perfect for the job.

And most houses are robbed when no one’s home so it’s not like a gun is even all that helpful for that. Most people who break into a home just want to steal stuff. Deaths during home invasions are rare. Rapes sometimes happen during break ins as well. But again that’s fairly rare. Most rape victims are attacked by

OK but it doesn’t change my point that there are people who may disagree with him on that while supporting him for other reasons.

I’ll be very surprised if Trump wins white women. Even a lot of Republican women dislike him.

Britain is 87% white compared to 65% in the US. It’s hard to win an election in the US without support from minority voters. So it will be hard for Trump to win. Although we shouldn’t get complacent and assume he can’t win.

A Moody’s study of Trump’s economic plans concluded he’d cause a massive recession. Clinton needs to make a big deal about that.

40% support Trump but 61% think he’s increasing hatred. It’s likely that the 60% who aren’t supporting him are the same ones complaining about an increase in hate. Although Trump does have some black, Hispanic and Muslim supporters, so there are people who may acknowledge the issue of hate but still vote for him for

Since statistically most people who claim to be raped are telling the truth, feminists say we should believe them until there’s evidence they’re making it up. Its the larger culture which automatically dismisses all accusers as liars that’s at fault when things like this happen. Look at the Cosby case. Even with 50

One almost fell over on my daughter when she was two. If I hadn’t been there to stop it from falling on top of her, I don’t know what would have happened. At the very least, she would have been badly injured.

We have one of these dressers and it almost fell over when my then two year old opened the top two drawers. Luckily I was there and was able to stop it from falling on her.

What comments were those? I only saw a couple of comments from people who wondered if she may have engaged in domestic violence against her family. No one brought up the husband and domestic violence.

If we had stricter gun laws this woman would still have been able to get a gun to protect herself. The point of gun control isn’t to take away guns. It’s to make it much more difficult for people who shouldn’t have them to get them. Gun control would also put limits on the types of guns that are available. No one

Probably because Radar Online isn’t exactly reliable and they aren’t above creating “evidence” against someone.