
The US loves to incarcerate poor people. The well off like Chris Brown get a slap on the wrist.

This ruling should be beneficial to white people. White students often get college places that should go to higher achieving Asian students because the schools want to maintain a racial balance. The desire to maintain a racial balance benefits every non-Asian group. Some Asian American students have also filed a

Trump’s case is a business case so not really an issue. I think the concern is whether judges can identify with the communities they serve. I’d love to see some stats to see if this is a valid concern. Are female judges more likely to hand out harsh sentences for sexual assault than male judges? How do black judges

“Our laws are premised in part on the idea that our courts will be staffed by judges who can understand the circumstances of the communities which they serve. Our judicial system depends on the general public’s faith in its legitimacy. Both of these foundational principles require a bench that is representative of

The title made it sound like she was causing trouble on the flight. Instead it seems like something terrible happened to her.

I always avoid clicking on their site because Radar like TMZ is a company I don’t want to support. I can’t tell if any of this is new info though. From what I understand, what was found at the time was considered antique and therefore not illegal. I don’t think they ever found any child porn on his computer. So maybe

Radar Online isn’t a very credible source so I’m wondering if this is even true. I’ll wait and see if a believable source reports this before I’ll believe it.

I don’t think it will effect other judges. This kind of thing happens all the time and it’s rare that anyone notices. It just so happens that this blew up into a huge media story. This very same judge got away with it in the past.

“Good analysis. However, as the article pointed out, it isn’t so much the lenient sentence that got this guy in hot water, it was his statements expressing sympathy for the rapist and almost ZERO for the victim.”

And as the Nate Parker/Jean Celestin rape case has shown, a slap on the wrist punishment for rape doesn’t necessarily stop someone from having a successful career. So it’s not like someone’s future will suffer much even with a rape conviction.

If the Ray Rice incident is anything to go by they’ll start to believe her but will blame her for provoking him.

I don’t think people will care why they have a job. People often get jobs not because they’re the best but because of networking and knowing the right people. That gives white men an advantage in the TV and film industries. Minorities often don’t have networks of people that can use their influence to get them jobs.

I could be wrong but it seems TV used to be far more diverse in the 80's and 90's than it is now at a time when the country is far more ethnically diverse. Although I wonder how diverse those shows were behind the scenes. It’s like how in pop music you have a bunch of successful women out front but few behind the

A person from the inner city or a trailer park is more likely to be seen as a threat than someone from a more affluent background. What I’d like to know is if people from higher income backgrounds are less likely to re-offend and if that’s taken into account by judges. If that’s the case it doesn’t seem very fair if a

He’s had so many health scares I’m surprised he hasn’t reached the point where he realises he has a problem. Maybe this new incident will force him to wake up and get help.

If you want a Neil DeGrasse Tyson t-shirt I recommend this one.

This is info on the Nate Parker/Jean Celestin rape. I don’t think it will do a bit of damage to their film careers. And after the rape,

I wonder if Christina’s killer was planning to harm others. He brought enough firepower to kill several people. If he had been planning a mass shooting, that would have been two in Orlando in two days at entertainment venues.

No you’re talking out of your ass if you really think all religions aren’t a problem. They all promote sexism and homophobia. I hate to break it to you but that’s a fact. Read the Bible. It’s filled with hate and violence. It’s only in recent years that Christians have become accepting and that’s because Christians

People are blaming Republicans because they’re the ones who are making it easy for troubled and hateful people to get weapons. They even think that people on terrorism watchlists should be allowed to buy weapons. You’re seriously in denial if you don’t think Republicans pushing the NRA agenda are a problem. Homophobia