
It’s hard to stop people based on motivation. Many things motivate people to commit mass shootings. We can’t easily eliminate misogyny, school bullying, religious fundamentalism, workplace grievance or racism from society even though they’re motivating factors. What we can do is eliminate easy access to weapons. It’s

Religion was a factor in this particular incident. But most mass shootings don’t have a religious motivation.

Homophobia also goes hand-in-hand with Christianity and Judaism. All religions are to blame for sexism and homophobia.

Each generation is less hateful than the last. Gay marriage and black or female presidents would have been unthinkable 50 years ago. We’ve come a long way. The bigots as always are on the wrong side of history.

Mass shootings are motivated by a lot of things. School shootings tend to happen because the shooter felt like an outcast. Sometimes they happen because the shooter is mentally ill. Some attackers felt like they were rejected by women so their attacks were misogynistic in nature. Sometimes they happen because the

None. Obama himself said a couple of weeks ago that due to Republican stubbornness the FBI can’t prevent people who are suspected of terrorist sympathies from buying weapons. has been covering it. Head over there.

It’s more likely that he was raised to hate and fear people who are different. Sure there are self hating gays but there are plenty of straight people who hate gays often for religious reasons. Just like there are people who hate others over things like skin color and ethnicity.

I’m pretty sure the Bible says homosexuals should be executed as well. But few Bible believers will act on it and there are many gay Christians. I think all religions are problematic and have many terrible teachings. The biggest problem we have is that any disturbed individual can easily and legally get enough

Most rock stars really weren’t great vocally. A great voice isn’t really required for rock, pop, country and folk. The only thing I expect for artists in these genres is that they stay on pitch for most of a song. Vocals are important for soul and R&B.

“You turn the radio on and it’s fluff, you are listening to 90% computerised voices. We know Adele has a great voice but it’s even questionable if that is actually her voice or how much has been manipulated. We don’t know.”

And it’s not even true that most pop singer’s voices are computerized. They are pitch corrected using computers. But you can’t make a terrible singer sound good using computers. Most pop singers have decent to good vocal ability. There are some that can’t sing well. But all that is true of 60's and 70's rock stars.

The problem is gun owners think the solution to gun violence is even more guns. That would be like trying to solve the obesity epidemic by giving people even more fattening food.

Stats are always based on the rate per each 100,000 people. Based on this list, America had 10.54 firearms deaths per 100,000 people compared to 0.23 for the UK, 1.01 for Germany, 0.62 for Spain, 0.06 for Japan, and 0.93 for Australia. So the US is actually doing very badly compared to similar nations.

If he had no record it would have been easy for him to get a gun legally. If this was done by a deranged fan, it’s surprising it doesn’t happen more often. There are a lot of minor celebrities who have plenty of fans but can’t afford personal security. It can be a risky position to be in.

Sadly nothing will change with gun regulation. Too many gun owners cling to the belief they’re safer with guns. Tragedy after tragedy seems to confirm that belief for them rather than make them question it.

The police are saying she didn’t know her attacker.

According to the police “the suspect didn’t appear to know Christina Grimmie personally and may have been a deranged fan, although the motive was still unknown.”

I’ve posted this a couple of times already but I’ll post it again because it simply isn’t true that black pop stars haven’t been successful.

Adele’s music may be R&B enough to crossover. Jill’s music isn’t the type that will crossover to pop. Beyonce gets both pop and R&B radio play.