There Are No Teams

“Daddy, why must you leave me and go back to working for an herb?”

Deadspin forever.

This reminds me of when Nicholas Sparks said he doesn’t write romance novels and that he was actually the natural successor to Hemingway, Shakespeare, and Euripides. (I’m 100% serious about this.)

asdkfjdk my GOD woman, get your head out of your ass. Sarah, you write shitty teen romance YA, you’re not out here writing the next Booker Prize novel. Of course a college junior, who is presumably in her twenties and you know, at university to challenge herself academically, wants to read something with more

Well, that’s the court order criminal case.

I mean, it’s kind of like that song “baby it’s cold outside”- sure, it was all fine and good in the early 50s but times have changed and now it seems skeevy as hell.

Oh, I wish it were only Samsung that did the auto preview. Roku, Android TV, hell, my phone's Netflix app all seem to have it. 

It’s not just “slow pacing to introduce characters”, the opening scene in Shield headquarters is downright awful.  The only moments in the movie I like are the character moments.  Those deleted Steve Rogers scenes are great.  They would have slowed down the “plot”, but are better than so much of what we did get.

The degree of difficulty in creating a decent “Avengers” movie was positively staggering. So many countless other superhero movies have been straight up awful, let alone one with such a massive cast, tying together a half-dozen movies and storylines.

This isn’t just some person. It’s Robyn. The central figure of her life before Bobby Brown came in to smear shit on the walls. I think she’ll have insight about Whitney that needs to be heart - that she wasn’t just the crack addicted hot mess she devolved into in her final years.

Personally I think I would have put Skyrim above Dark Souks.

No comments there! That was half the fun of Funbag!

Thanks for the refresher! I actually dug the hell out of the novel Doctor Sleep and preferred Kubrick’s Shining to King’s so I’m really looking forward to this. It sounds like it will reconcile all 3 very well.

Way off topic, but Vice has a new column from Drew today and it’s as good as ever.

I’ve come to sort of skip this stuff not because it’s disagreeable but because I feel like I’ve already heard every Trump joke. You can only say, he’s an immoral, bigoted blowhard so many times before it ceases to be funny and just becomes dull.

Richard Spencer is a sloppy racist’s idea of dapper, just like Trump is a poor person’s idea of a rich man.

Yes! All of this!

The Ugnaught looks like Nolte. I’m legitimately not slamming Nolte or how bad or good he looks, but I see it most in the eyes. It looks like they did a great job with what I asume was mo-cap. It’s pretty cool.

Speaking of sports fails, the G/O editorial director (the guy who carried out you-know-who’s edict to shtick to schports) has quit:

Press F to Deadspin Forever.