There Are No Teams

For what it’s worth, this Instagram post from Rune Glifberg tags Alcatraz Island, so maybe they’re remastering some levels from other games?  I don’t remember Alcatraz being playable in 1 or 2.

it feels silly as hell to place all of that value on a dumb blog, but fuck if it isn’t true for me as well.

this post was originally posted before ley’s dog piece.

i’m saying that was my experience generally, without deferring to RT or MC.

My point was, and still remains, that the show was widely applauded with both critical and audience love.

Would like to take this opportunity to applaud the decision to link out to as many great non-sports stories as possible today:

You’re drawing the wrong conclusion from RottenTomatoes, which aggregates simply whether critics had a positive or negative take on the material. If 50 critics out of 50 give a season 3 starts out of 5, RT calls that 100% fresh, not 60% fresh. 

So there are.

I know it’s immaterial to the story, but is the number four explicitly confirmed anywhere, or deduced from the photos?  Because to me that looks like four pictures of only two fans.


It was never meant to be run.

Now playing

German cover of “I Want To Hold Your Hand.”

Yea, and the part left out is when Thomas went on to say:

If memory serves he missed an alarm, showed up late, and was cut the next day. Like 4 days after his 200 yard, 4 td day.


It’s not that the situation wouldn’t happen, it’s that even if the situation arises, it’s not strategically worth the risk unless you’re time-constrained.

You are not right, because it was neither a loophole nor removed following that season. It was explicitly stated as a method for kicking a field goal, and remains in the rulebook today, nearly a decade and a half later:

Those are by definition, torture

i think he was thinking that he’d land on grass, which would hurt but ultimately not be landing face-first on concrete.