There Are No Teams

Actually, nominating all male directors is pretty much the definition of equability.  Perhaps you mean equity or equality.

“Original Screenplay”

Me, too. I saw that term and thought, “That fits perfectly”, because it’s about BOTH of them and, most importantly, Harry KNOWS the ways of the Court and his family in a way that Meghan certainly could not at this point.

Exactly the reason I prefer Sussexit if such term needs to be used.

I think Spanfeller is out to wreck this place and burn the remains to the fucking ground. You can’t accidentally get where he is and be so fucking clueless about everything in business is what I want to think, so it has to be deliberate.

Jim Spanfeller is doing more to hurt the internet than the dot com bust. Deadspin is dead, Kotaku is dying. Where are we gonna get the good shit?

I guess this sort of thing was inevitable given the state of the company and the people “running” things, but this still really sucks.

Jim Spanfeller is a boneheaded incompetent idiot and I have no idea why anyone would expect him to make a smart business decision.

Fucking herb

Other UK children’s editions of classic literature:

“The sisters’ abolitionist pastor father, Mr. March (Bob Odenkirk), is away volunteering in the Civil War”

The implements of torture, witch burning and various other practices in old Europe suggests that there was savagery in both hemispheres. Sending children into coal mines because they fit into holes more easily was a standard practice.

Can you do this community a favor and dismiss the racist commenter?

What she said below.

Yeah . . . you’re racist. Using the word “savage” as a noun vs. an adjective ain’t that fine a line. Would I particularly care if there were modern people using the skulls of children who died by natural causes to cover the heads the heads of deceased (also by natural causes) babies? I dunno. There’s a lot of factors

hmmm I get a white supremacist vibe from your post.  Go away.

Maybe, the children of nobles were definitely not off the table however.  Neither were noble women.  Oddly enough I haven’t found any examples of Noble men being sacrificed (unless they were captured enemies).  Funny how that works.  The people making the religious rules are rarely the ones that suffer as a result of

Maybe the skulls of the poor were used to make helmets for the rich...

How disgusting! Meanwhile, in Europe....

So, by your own words: