There Are No Teams

Jezebel’s “stick to sports” approach is clearly the recipe moving forward.

Well said.

It’s uncanny how accurate this is to me as well, almost to the letter.

Finally! Someone on Kinja is covering the World Series. Too bad there’s not a site for that.
Clover, I enjoyed your article. I’d like to discuss one quote:
“there could be three teams out there to make it more interesting.”. Though I’m a baseball fan and I wouldn’t like this, I would like to watch a sport between three

I was ungreyed on Deadspin, Splinter and Gawker. I’m damn proud of that feat. It looks like all the comments on Deadspin are just gone now. 

I tried to watch the game last night, but could not find a website to tell me what time it started. So I was unable to watch.

this is heartfelt and great, thank you for saying it so well. 

If you find out where bored lawyers are making funny existentialist and dick jokes now wouldja let us know please, gracias

I agree with a lot of what you said. I learned a lot a out politics from Deadspin, Gawker and Splinter. I learned more about my own blackness from The Root. I hope to one day write just one sentence as well as Michael Harriot does. I never got out of the grays but I'm happy to have contributed to the discourse in

Thank you for this, I have spent all morning looking for a website to tell me who won last night’s game.

Well said.  It’s a sad day indeed. 

Thank you for writing this. This put to words everything that had been going on in my head the past few days. #deadspinforever

Love you back, Mr. Nutty. 

Rip to the best website on the web. Fuck g/o media

RIP Deadspin, FUCK Jim Spanfeller and Paul Maidment.

I was radicalized by punk rock and Deadspin.

Hi, fuck your executives for murdering deadspin.

At the risk of preemptively eulogizing, I think an underexplained list with “Getting hit by a bus” at the top is an apt obsequy for the potential paths of a post-Deadspin world.

Is it ok if I ignore the subtext and actually stick to sports for a sec?