There Are No Teams

People keep making this point under the assumption that a World Series game was attended exclusively by people who live within 20 minutes of the stadium. I live on the VA/NC border and have friends who drove five hours to go to game 4. It’s not just DC natives.

It’s not as if many people from the hood can afford WS tickets. Those boos came from people with money.

It’s really the opposite.  It’s amazing his handlers would allow him out in public like this knowing how much he’s hated outside his little bubble.

I just can’t help but think it shows really,really poor judgement ,especially for someone in the type of job she is in. There are things I just didn’t do because it could have adversely affected my career. Having a sexual relationship with anyone I worked with much less a subordinate was top on my list and next was

Yes. And from the leaked text messages by the staff member/third person in the relationship, Hill sounds like an abusive partner. Given the age difference and power differential, there is no way this relationship was kosher.

I assume the challenge in thinking is that there is also a revenge porn aspect. I can think it was bad that she had an affair with a subordinate and also think her ex-husband is a scum bag who should be prosecuted for leaking nude photos of her. But not everyone can hold multiple truths. 

Oh no a lot of women on Twitter, many of whom loudly proclaim themselves feminist, are flat out saying this is simply a “consensual affair” that’s no big deal and completely brushing off the subordinate part of it and the usual argument that this creates an inherently inappropriate power imbalance. A complete reversal

Unfortunately, given the support she was getting from the caucus and even a few Republicans, this almost certainly means that the allegation that she paid one of the affair partners a bonus was accurate.

I’m perplexed at all the “double standard” cries from ostensible feminists on Twitter about how unfair she’s being treated over “consensual” affairs. She had sex with subordinates; feminists have argued for years this creates a power imbalance that calls into question how consensual said relations can truly be. Why

She slept with a subordinate. That’s bad news, regardless of whatever her husband did or didn’t do. 

I can’t imagine their initial “investigation” went beyond asking Taubman if the comments were directed at anyone, and then credulously accepting him saying “of course not.”

I can’t see the catcher’s facial expression, obviously, but I can still tell he’s like “What the fuck is wrong with you, asshole??”

Revenge is a Darvish best served cold.

It’s like the soccer version of this...

but is there another sport where a single penalty/foul can change the game so dramatically?

Because without that penalty, the game would devolve into a hackfest anytime the ball got anywhere near the goal.

She has four internationally-recognized gymnastics moves named after her. She’s so good that they had to downgrade the points awarded for at least one of them to prevent other gymnasts from hurting themselves attempting them.

In the distant future when the Oscars do their In Memoriam section can the just run this clip with Paul Rudd's name for him.

Conan really struggled to hold it together introducing the clip ‘from the new TV show’, knowing what’s to come. Meanwhile Rudd can as usual be completely deadpan about it.