There Are No Teams

I mean, just think about the difference in the sauce that’s out of a jar vs spending 10 minutes with fresh garlic, onion and a can of crushed tomatoes. And compare that to spending 10 extra minutes to boil fresh tomatoes instead of using the canned stuff. SMFH.

Chris must live in an area with really shitty Italian. I don’t think I’ve truly laughed out loud at a Funbag question in years.

What is going on with the wife situation here? Are the two wives getting together to collaborate on cracker supplies?  Are they road-tripping together?  Will the video be available as a subscription?

Now I remember where I knew her from

Now playing

Scariest movie I’ve seen in a long time. And it’s only 60 seconds long.

This sound like something a Ghost would say to throw us off. 

[Deleted redundant Tomsula joke]

Belichick is an asshole but it's stuff like this that makes him a MAGNIFICENT asshole. 

I love a good bad guy, but Palpatine has become such a widely mocked character that I can’t muster any hype for whatever comeback he makes, aside from being happy his actor gets paid.

You don’t need to explain that to me. I was a kid growing up in the 90s with toys based on Robocop, Terminator, Predator, etc.

I can’t do games like this, or Outlast. I can’t do jump scare games where if you get the jump scare—it’s game over. I hate being unable to fight back or struggle because I know that, at least, in real life I’d struggle. I may lose, and likely will lose and die, but give me at least a sliver of a chance to run/fight,

I swear I heard this somewhere else. 

Dude, this guy I dated years ago told me the same story, but instead of Spain, it was in Chicago.

Nope, not buying it.

Ghost snacks!

This is by far— by FAR— the freakiest thing that has ever happened to me.

I was recently staying at a wellness resort retreat in the desert. I don’t want to say the name because it’s truly delightful, but it’s like one of those place where white women go to do yoga and eat organic food and get Ayurveda massages. They also have a lot of things there that would maybe be considered mysticism.

Ya that shit is a good story. false but good

Y’all can try, but nothing is going to beat that “Look at me” story from a few years ago. That one fucked me UP.

I mean the ghost stories on this thread are always stupid but this one is literally about a woman who could not avoid the Noid.