Not even one mention of “Clean House” in which she was the host for 9 seasons? Foolishness!
Not even one mention of “Clean House” in which she was the host for 9 seasons? Foolishness!
The strange thing is that The Jungle Book remake had ample personality with the animals. Bill Murray was faintly recognizable through the bear. Christopher Walken sure as hell had personality as the giant monkey. Aside from Timon and Pumba, none of the lions or animals looks like they have anything aside from weird…
This episode almost made me take a Xanax. It was insane! It’s easily the most gorgeous visuals in a single episode we’ve ever seen. The massive fight, the squads of shuttles and pods, the alien allies - everything added up to something that was such a blast to watch.
Maybe you just need to breathe.
The thing I found bizarre about this episode was how everyone had a sense of urgency except Michael and Spock.
Say what you will about Discovery, that was one of the best battle scenes in Star Trek history.
Counterpoint: Rey backflip-lightsabering a TIE Fighter is fucking awesome eye candy.
Snoke only got cut in half we’ve seen that’s no reason he can’t come back. Just give him a robot ass and he’s good as new.
Yeah, let’s be real. “The Empire Strikes Back” is clumsy af, but it’s also easily the best movie in the series.
This movie got a lot a crap from the Mandarin twist, but people forget Mandarin always kinda sucked as a character. He had about one good story (Extremis).
If you want to get really cynical, Tony Stark having significant character development and status quo shakeups in his solo series only for all of it to get completely shat on by some other writer who just wants to make a big dumb crossover event, is actually peak Marvel Comics.
It used to bother me a lot more than it does now (I don’t give a fuck now - think what you want about it), but like I stated, it’s been almost a damn decade. There are viable questions that are still unanswered about this show, but ‘Derrrrrrrrr, what was up with the polar bears, man?!’ isn’t one of them. Bring me…
I’ve said this before (sorry), but the entire Battle of New York is really a master class in CGI-heavy action filmmaking. The whole thing is totally coherent, it’s funny, there’s time for character work, it furthers a larger theme and there’s one or two truly extraordinary moments - the long take highlighted here and…
I know, like 90% of the “mysteries” were explained at some point during the course of the show, but people need things to be explicitly detailed, because people are morons.
I always though Ult. Cap was interesting by making Steve truly a man out of time
Agreed. I always liked Chris Evans (he’s freaking hilarious in Not Another Teen Movie and yes I’m giving that movie some love right now because it’s by far the best of that crappy genre we were saddled with), but I also didn’t know what to expect from him in these movies. He always seemed too cocky and almost smug to…
So yes, your enjoyment of *this* game is contingent on other people not being able to enjoy the game. Even if you never play the easier difficulty offered, the knowledge that someone else out there, somewhere, has played it and possibly even enjoyed it makes your experience worse...somehow.
More like a person with legs telling a person without legs that they should not take the stairs.