Vajayjay Leno

The only good relationship plot in DS9 was Garak eye-fucking everyone.

It’s a reference to the fact that the Klingon homeworld is called Cronos/Q’onos. God of Time. It’s kind of dumb but also all of the alien races being related to one Greek or Roman god or another has always been dumb so whatever.

My big hope is that Control is the genesis of the Borg, but in a slightly smarter way than how that sounds- Dr. Burnham exists in a future timeline where the Borg never existed. Control always existed insteadand ultimately won. The end result of this season is making that future never happen by keeping Control from

I haven’t seen any evidence that the licensing thing is actually true. It’s been a big rumor for a while but never actually confirmed to be the case for Discovery. The Klingon thing is pretty firmly on record as just being Bryan Fuller’s idea. He thought they should look more like sleek, strong predators in the same

I just want a full Enterprise spin-off. I’ve been enjoying Ethan Peck’s Spock- he’s not trying to be Leonard Nimoy while still definitely being the same character and I really appreciate it. They fuckin’ cast Rebecca Romijn as Number One and we’ve seen like three minutes of that and she was already great. Just give me

It’s shocking how good this choice and I would’ve never thought of it.

Hell yeah. Everyone remembers how the Democrats got a supermajority in the Senate in 2006 and 2008 and got Obama elected by winning Texas and Georgia.

Yeah, it blows. Dr. Burnham bringing it up this episode was rough.

By my count, he could have a good 8 years before that happens. Plenty of time for spinoff adventures.

I’m dying for a Pike spinoff. He’s the huge highlight of this season for me, to the point that I think I love Anson Mount’s Pike more than any of the Kirks.

The dragons were smaller tho, so this show isn’t realistic about it.

I mean, where this is heading seems pretty clear to me: they find Mudd, get his time crystal, then leave Discovery with it for 1000 years until it catches up with Dr. Burnham and she can repair the suit.

Like, the MCU was dropping extended universe easter eggs from the beginning, but in nice, subtle ways or just as stingers. Things that didn’t interrupt the movie to wink at you. A brief comment about super soldier serum in The Incredible Hulk here, a pan past the Infinity Gauntlet in Thor there. They interconnected

Same with Affleck. I think all of their hero casting except Ezra Miller has been pretty good, but the writing and direction failed this city.

What’s funny is The Orville is the show that’s made me kind of wonder if Trek has always been bad. Not because it’s better than Discovery or any particular Trek (though it is definitely better than some Trek) but because there’s times when I’m watching it and thinking This seems exactly like Star Trek, but it’s boring

How can this article not mention the wildly insane casting of Ares, the epic Greek god of war, as a middle-aged British man with a silly 1910s mustache. Everything about it was silly as hell. I kept expecting David Thewlis to morph into literally anything more threatening but instead they just gave him a silly CGI

Yeah, Gunn was vocal about how she had no impact on the final movie and she only has credit because the WGA favors the original author- something that is only true if the material is totally original and not based on an existing property, meaning at least a third of the movie was definitely still hers.

I think the Just a Girl scene had all the elements of a great action scene, but the direction and editing fell short of it being one. More faith in the action and less desire to jump cut to make it seem more kinetic would’ve done a lot.

I think the Captain Marvel epic final scene was forgivable because it wasn’t a fight at all. Everything was like cardboard compared to Carol- it was the crowning moment of extreme power that Superman’s never been allowed to have in a movie.

Cate Blanchett was A) so good and B) so incredibly hot that I audibly gasped.